February 2025 DRAFT Minutes
Parish Councillors Robert Cross (Chair) Steve Spedding Katie Stark |
Mark Crosby Steve Ralph Michael Bighi
Mr Daniel Bancroft – Responsible Finance Officer (RFO) District Councillor Lucille Hagues |
Mr Jim Fieldhouse – Parish Clerk District Cllr Marianne Overton MBE |
Not Present
Cllr. Harriet Huntsman Cllr. Stephen Short |
Cllr. Louise Troy |
1. Chairman’s welcome
2. Acceptance of reasons for absence
2.1 Apologies were received from Cllr. Short (holidays), Cllr. Huntsman (other meeting), Cllr. Troy (family emergency). These apologies were accepted.
3. Declaration of interest in any matter on the agenda – Cllr. Spedding declared an interest in Items 9.2 and 9.2 on the agenda and agreed recluse himself from the meeting for these items.
4. Notes of meeting held on 8 January 2025 to be approved as minutes. Proposed by Cllr Stark and seconded by Cllr Spedding.
4.1 Resolved: That these be accepted as minutes of the meeting.
5. Parish Clerk’s Report
5.1 Regarding item 6.1 from the January 2025 minutes, the resident has requested that the Parish Council send a send a letter to Fen Bay Services expressing concern about the speed of vehicles going up and down Moat Lane.
5.2 Action Point: Parish Clerk to dispatch a letter to Fen Bay Services expressing similar concern.
5.3 An email has been received from Royal British Legion Industries regarding VE Day 80th Anniversary on 8 May 2025.
5.4 The following report has been received from Lincolnshire County Council (LCC) following Section 19 investigations following Storm Babet:
S19 Report Reference Number S19-907
Based on the available evidence, it is understood that flooding likely occurred, as a result of extreme rainfall levels creating overland surface water flows from the high land to the southeast of the village towards the affected properties, and causing subsequent surcharging of local drains and sewers, and interflows through subsoil.
Description of Flooding Recommendations for Consideration
Task 1 - Lincolnshire County Council (LCC) as Lead Local Flood Authority (LLFA) and Highways Authority, alongside Upper Witham Internal Drainage Board, consider investigating the condition, capacity, and functionality of the drainage ditch network to the east of Cliff Road, including the culverts which pass from this ditch, under Cliff Road, westwards towards the village, where some of these are believed to have blockages or collapses.
Task 2 - LCC as LLFA, alongside other relevant RMAs, should consider confirming the ownership of all of the drainage ditches to the east of Cliff Road. Some are believed to be RMA responsibility, while others understood to be riparian maintained. The riparian owners should be identified and they should be made aware of their riparian maintenance responsibilities, where necessary.
Task 3 - LCC as LLFA, alongside other relevant RMAs should consider assessing the feasibility of village-wide flood alleviation schemes.
Task 4 - Anglian Water should consider investigating the condition and functionality of the foul sewer network along The Nookin, and issues identified should be rectified. If problems with private sewer connections are identified, these should be communicated to the relevant owner.
Task 5 - LCC as LLFA considers providing guidance to the property owner / occupier regarding Property Flood Resilience (PFR) measures.
Task 6 - The owner / occupier of affected properties should consider installing private intervening drainage along the eastern boundary of the building, as specifically referenced in the investigation. The installation of these drainage structures would be the responsibility of the residents, with LCC as LLFA providing guidance and support where appropriate.
5.5 A request to erect scaffolding on the track to the allotments has been received.
5.6 Resolved: Permission granted based on the terms presented by the applicant.
6. Public Forum – No members of the public present.
7. County and District Councillors update
7.1 Cllr. Hagues had nothing further to add to her newsletter. (Available to view on the Parish Council website). (Cllr Hagues left the meeting at 20.00)
7.1 Cllr. Overton (arrived circa 21.00) reported that the local councils have received a two-year reprieve on their proposed abolition. The Mayoral Authority election will take place on 1 May 2025 making decisions on planning, housing, transport, skills, the economy and tackling climate change. She is unhappy that important decisions would be made by a remote body. (Cllr. Overton’s newsletter is available to view on the Parish Council’s website.)
8. Current and future maintenance responsibilities
8.1 Three quotations to repair the chimneys stacks at Welbourn Forge were considered. Further remedial repairs are now required since the quotes were requested. These were revealed following the removal of ivy from the left-hand side elevation.
8.2 Action Point: A delegation of Parish Councillors to attend a site meeting and agree on the extent of further repairs before requesting revised quotes.
8.3 LCC have advised of slight amendments to the grass cutting agreement.
8.4 Action Point: Parish Clerk to arrange grass cutting quotes for the 2025 season.
8.5 A contractor has been appointed to clear the brash and trim the hedges at the village pond. The charge is £1450. The work will be carried out on 28 February 2025.
8.6 A cherry tree has been donated in memory of Ted Moon and will be planted in the village hall grounds / playing field.
8.7 Cllr. Bighi reported that two trees have been applied for from a North Kesteven District Council scheme. One tree for the playing field and the other for The Green near the BT box. Advice on planting will be taken from NKDC.
9. Planning Matters to consider and discuss:
9.1 Notification of Receipt of Amended Plans/ Additional Information
Application Reference: 24/0415/FUL
Proposal: Erection of single storey side extension
Location: Post Office 5 Beck Street Welbourn
Resolved: The existing single storey pitched roof line has been extended across the full width of the proposed extension with a gable wall (materials not stated) on the North boundary. This wall will restrict natural daylight to the windows of the neighbouring bungalow. A mono pitch ‘hip’ roof clad with clay panties similar to the outbuilding at the rear would have much less impact on the bungalow. The air conditioning units have been moved back and as proposed will result in increased noise disturbance to the neighbouring bungalow. The noise disturbance may be reduced by turning the units 90 degrees to face towards the back of the property.
9.2 Notification of Receipt of Planning Application
Planning Application Reference: 24/1499/FUL
Proposal: Siting of InPost Parcel Locker (retrospective)
Location: Post Office 5 Beck Street Welbourn Lincoln Lincolnshire
Resolved: The Locker is large, and it is not in keeping with the Conservation Area. A smaller less dominant unit would be preferable. If the present locker is to remain it should be camouflaged e.g. painted dark grey.
9.3 Notification of Receipt of Planning Application
Planning Application Reference: 25/0057/VARCON
Proposal: Application to vary conditions 2 (Materials), 8 (Energy Statement) and 13 (Approved plans) of reference 24/0700/FUL - Erection of 1 no. dwelling and demolition of storage building.
Resolved: The Parish Council supports this application Parish Council supports this application.
Location: Garden Of 31 The Green Welbourn Lincoln LN5 0NJ
9.4 Notification of Receipt of Planning Application
Planning Application Reference: 25/0147/VARCON
Proposal: Application to vary condition 9 (approved plans) of 22/0824/HOUS - Erection of single storey side extension and replacement 1.5 storey garage together with installation of new stone skin to existing walls and replacement of existing roofing material with clay terracotta pantiles.
Location: Sycamore Lodge 7 Castle Hill Welbourn Lincoln Lincolnshire
Resolved: The Parish Council supports this application.
10. Notifications of Planning Decisions:
10.1 Application Reference: 24/1346/HOUS
Proposal: Removal of conservatory and erection of a single storey side extension
Location: 28 High Street Welbourn Lincoln
Decision outcome - Approved by NK Planning
11. Finance Report: - From the Responsible Finance Officer (RFO): - To review bank balances, invoices paid since last meeting since, items to be paid before next meeting and quarter end report: -
11.1 Accounts value (4 February 2025):
HSBC Client A/c 611: £4,646.33 (Forge et al) HSBC A/c 772: £4,298.62 (For Precept) |
HSBC Bmm A/c 638: £15,274.57 (Reserves) HSBC Business C/A 677: £6,675.15 Bank Total: £30,894.67 |
N.B. The bank statements were cross checked and certified by Cllr. Stark.
11.2 Bank reconciled: £0 discrepancy.
11.3 Payments made since 8 January 2025
11.4 Income received since last meeting:
11.5 Expected payments before the next meeting (12 March 2025):
11.6 Expected income received before next meeting (12 March 2025)
11.7 Resolved: The items 11.1 – 11.6 be noted and approved by the Parish Council.
12. To consider the Parish Council’s next steps regarding the proposed Leoda Solar Farm.
12.1 Following the Non-Statutory Consultation event hosted by Leoda on 6 February 2025 the Parish Council considered the Environmental Impact Assessment document, the Consultation Brochure and the Consultation Feedback Form. Cllr. Overton added that she had attended the webinar hosted by Leoda on 11 February 2025. Leoda was unable to explain why the development was necessary since there is currently an oversupply of planning applications to build solar farms in the UK.
12.2 Resolved: That the Parish Council call a public meeting to ascertain residents’ views on the proposed development. This will take place on Tuesday 18 February 2025 at 5pm at the village hall.
13. Update on proposed new Trust Deed between the Parish Council and the Village Hall and Playing Field Committee – Parish Clerk
13.1 a) The Parish Clerk informed the Council that Wellers Law Group had been formally instructed to draft a Trust Deed between the Parish Council and the Village Hall and Playing Field Committee to replace the out-of-date 1922 Trust Deed. Wellers Law Group confirmed that the original quote for the work still stands but advised that an additional charge of £500 plus VAT is necessary to register restrictions on the titles of the village hall and the playing fields confirming that the land is held upon charitable trust.
13.1 Resolved: That the Parish Council authorises the additional payment of £500 plus VAT to register said restrictions. The Parish Council asks the solicitors to note that it does not expect further charges to be made.
13.2 Updated respective maintenance responsibilities of the Parish Council and the Village Hall and Playing Field Committee in respect of the Village Hall and the Playing Field have been approved by the Village Hall and Playing Field Committee to be included in the new Trust Deed.
13.3 Resolved: The Parish Council approves the updated respective maintenance responsibilities as outlined.
14. To approve updated Standing Orders for the Parish Council.
14.1 The Parish Clerk presented updated Standard Orders for adoption by the Parish Council based on the model Standard Orders recommended by the National Association of Local Councils (NALC).
14.2 Resolved: That the updated Standing Orders be adopted.
15. Portfolio Holders Updates
15.1 Cllr Troy emailed to say she had received concerns about the state of the new swale on The Green
Action Point: Parish Clerk to report these concerns on FixMyStreet.
15.2 Cllr. Cross has noticed that some of the hi-vis 40 mph speed restriction signs have deteriorated.
Action Point: Parish Clerk to request some replacement signs.
15.3 Cllr. Cross highlighted concerns about the amount of dog fouling on the railway embankment footpath.
Action Point: Parish Clerk to post No Dog Fouling on the footpath.
15.4 Cllr. Bighi informed the Council that to complete the refurbishment of the tennis court would cost in the region of £4000.
Action Point: This is an agenda item for the March meeting
16. Agenda items for the next meeting: update Financial Regulations; Completing the Refurbishment of the tennis court.
(Meeting closed at 9.05 pm.)
Next meeting:
Wednesday 12 March 2025
Future Parish Council Meetings in 2025: All meetings to commence at 7.30 pm
12 March 9 April |
14 May 11 June 9 July |
10 September 8 October 12 November |
Copies to: Parish Councillors, County & District Councillors, Parish Council Web Site.
Councillor |
Portfolio 1 |
Portfolio 2 (& 3) |
Robert Cross |
Byways/Highways |
Cliff Cluster Group Rep |
Stephen Short |
Planning & Finance Cttee |
Human Resources Cttee (& VH Rep) |
Harriet Huntsman |
Finance Cttee |
Katie Stark |
Human Resources Cttee |
Communications (& Planning) |
Steve Ralph |
Drainage |
Michael Bighi |
Schools Liaison |
Nature and Environment |
Steve Spedding |
Castle Hill |
Community Safety & Resilience |
Mark Crosby |
Allotments |
Village Hall Rep |
Louise Troy |
Health & Welfare |