February 2025 Agenda
Welbourn Parish Council
The next meeting of the Parish Council will be held on
Wednesday 12 February 2025 at 7.30 pm in the
Meeting Room, Welbourn Village Hall.
There will be a 15-minute public session at the commencement of the meeting when members of the public may ask questions or make short statements to the Council.
Members of the public will be welcome to stay for the remainder of the meeting except for any closed sessions, but they may not speak on any matter after the public session is closed unless invited to do so.
Mr J Fieldhouse
1. Chairman’s welcome
2. Acceptance of reasons for absence
3. Declaration of interest in any matter on the agenda
4. Notes of the meeting held on 8 January 2025 to be approved as minutes.
5. Clerk’s Report on matters outstanding (5 mins)
6. Public Forum (15 mins)
7. County and District Councillors update (10 mins)
8. Current and future maintenance responsibilities (5 mins)
9. Planning Matters to consider and discuss:
9.1 Notification of Receipt of Amended Plans/ Additional Information
Application Reference: 24/0415/FUL
Proposal: Erection of single storey side extension
Location: Post Office 5 Beck Street Welbourn
9.2 Notification of Receipt of Planning Application
Planning Application Reference: 24/1499/FUL
Proposal: Siting of InPost Parcel Locker (retrospective)
Location: Post Office 5 Beck Street Welbourn Lincoln Lincolnshire
9.3 Notification of Receipt of Planning Application
Planning Application Reference: 25/0057/VARCON
Proposal: Application to vary conditions 2 (Materials), 8 (Energy Statement) and 13 (Approved plans) of reference 24/0700/FUL - Erection of 1 no. dwelling and demolition of storage building.
Location: Garden Of 31 The Green Welbourn Lincoln LN5 0NJ
10. Notifications of Planning Decisions:
10.1 Application Reference: 24/1346/HOUS
Proposal: Removal of conservatory and erection of a single storey side extension
Location: 28 High Street Welbourn Lincoln
Decision outcome - Approved by NK Planning
11. Finance Report: - From the Responsible Finance Officer (RFO): - To review bank balances, invoices paid since last meeting since, and items to be paid before next meeting: -
11.1 Accounts value (4 February 2025):
HSBC Client A/c 611: £4,646.33 (Forge et al) HSBC A/c 772: £4,298.62 (For Precept) |
HSBC Bmm A/c 638: £15,274.57 (Reserves) HSBC Business C/A 677: £6,675.15 Bank Total: £30,894.67 |
11.2 Bank reconciled: £0 discrepancy.
11.3 Payments made since 8 January 2025
11.4 Income received since last meeting:
11.5 Expected payments before the next meeting (12 March 2025):
11.6 Expected income received before next meeting (12 March 2025)
12. To consider the Parish Council’s next steps regarding the proposed Leoda Solar Farm.
13. Update on proposed new Deed of Trust between the Parish Council and the Village Hall and Playing Field Committee – Parish Clerk
13.1 To request authorisation of an additional payment of £500 plus VAT (estimate) to the Parish Council’s solicitor to register restrictions on the Land Register confirming that the Village Hall and the Playing Field are held upon charitable trusts.
13.2 To approve amended respective maintenance responsibilities of the Parish Council and the Village Hall and Playing Field Committee in respect of the Village Hall and the Playing Field.
14. To approve updated Standing Orders for the Parish Council.
15. Portfolio Holders Updates
16. Agenda items for the next meeting: update Financial Regulations.
Next meeting:
Wednesday 12 March 2025
Copies to: Parish Councillors, County & District Councillors, Parish Council Web Site
Future Parish Council Meetings in 2025: All meetings to commence at 7.30 pm
12 February 12 March 9 April |
14 May 11 June 9 July |
10 September 8 October 12 November |