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Welbourn Parish Council Chairman

As Parishioners of Welbourn, we inherit the collective assets of our community - things such as a beautiful environment, peace, public spirit, people’s health and well being, the security of property - all aspects which help towards achieving a quality of life and much more. It is perhaps, the most important aspect governing our lives today. We are the temporary guardians of these bonds that bind us together and it is our collective duty to conserve and protect them, both for ourselves and for the future generations to come who will live in the Parish of Welbourn.

In constructing the Welbourn Neighbourhood Development Plan, the Steering Group has had in mind one prime objective – to preserve, protect and enhance the quality of life for all Welbourn Parishioners. Every policy in this Plan is aimed at achieving that objective on fair and acceptable basis. Your views received in the various consultations have been carefully examined and built into the Plan’s policies. As Chairman of the Parish Council and a member of the Plan’s steering Group, I am confident that you will find this Plan a balanced and fair representation of the wishes of the Parishioners of Welbourn. As such, I commend it to you and I hope that you will feel able to support it.

This is your village, your future and your Plan.

Many thanks for your support and co-operation,

Rod Storer
Parish Council Chairman –
pp. Welbourn Parish Council
January 2015


Please click on each of the following links to view the documents:

Neighbourhood Development Plan 2015-2030

Neighbourhood Development Plan Appendix 1- Parish Profile

Neighbourhood Development Plan Objectives