January 2024 Minutes
Welbourn Parish Council
Parish Councillors Robert Cross Michael Bighi Katie Stark Harriet Huntsman |
Jake Beaty Steve Spedding Mark Crosby Stephen Short |
Mr Jim Fieldhouse – Parish Clerk Mr Daniel Bancroft – Responsible Finance Officer (RFO) |
2 Residents of Welbourn County Cllr. Marianne Overton MBE
Not Present
Cllr Marian Smith |
District Councillor Mrs Lucille Hagues |
1. Welcome
2. Acceptance of reasons for absence
2.1 Cllr Smith, District Cllr. Hagues. These were accepted.
3. Declaration of interest in any matter on the agenda – None declared.
4. Notes of the meeting held on 8 November 2023 were approved as minutes. Proposed by Cllr. Bighi and seconded by Cllr. Spedding.
4.1 Resolved: That these be accepted as minutes.
5. Clerk’s Report on matters outstanding
5.1. A new contract was agreed with BT on 21st November 2023. The new monthly payment is £49.95 excluding VAT. The telephone line at the village hall has been converted to the new digital voice system. The cost of the new equipment will be included in the January 2024 bill.
5.2 The new dog waste bin has been received and paid for and has been fitted by Robert Marshall at the end of Cow Lane.
5.3 With reference to the possible pollution of the village pond / The Beck, two companies, Feedwater and ALS Environmental have been contacted to request water sampling. Both companies are not interested in this work. Since then, the pond has been flushed out with flood water, so no further action taken.
5.4 Lincolnshire County Council (LCC) is not able to assist in providing a suitable contractor to survey the timber wooden bridge over the Moat on Castle Hill. Cllr Spedding has volunteered to investigate further.
5.5 A litter pick down Dycote Lane took place on the 15th of December.
5.6 Regarding the horse chestnut tree on The Green, the following response was received from Lincolnshire County Council highways on the 16th of November. Enquiry number 479005:-
This tree has had its crown reduced and is not currently posing a risk to highway users. However, it has been noted that a bench is within the verge under one of the boughs of the tree. Although this is not imminently dangerous, we would advise that this bench is moved to a location where it is not directly under one of the trees boughs due to the condition of the tree. An application can be made to us to install the bench at a new location once a decision has been made by yourselves where you would like it to be placed.
5.7 Following the resolution made at the November meeting, an article has been submitted to the Three Villages magazine seeking a volunteer coordinator to administer the proposed emergency plan. A letter or thanks has also sent to resident AB thanking her for organising the residents meeting on the 7th of November.
5.8 The restriction requested by FCC Communities Foundation on the playing field has now been prepared and sent to the Land Registry by the Parish Council’s solicitors.
5.9 Planning application 23/0802/FUL made on land off The Green for the erection of one dwelling house is still undecided following an appeal made by the applicant.
5.10 Letters have been sent to 18 residents who were externally flooded, and letters sent to 6 residents who were internally flooded requesting that they formally report their flooding incident to Lincolnshire County Council (LCC).
6. Public Forum
6.1 Resident DM from the Welbourn Floods Working Group (WFWG) made a short presentation. The aim of the working group is to develop short term emergency measures and assist flood experts to develop long-term solutions to mitigate the effects of a future flooding.
6.2 The Group has identified the three main flows of water through the village when a storm occurs, namely, Moat Lane, Hall Lane and the bridleway connecting the A607 to The Green. The Group’s initial thoughts focus on slowing the flow of water crossing the A607 and entering the village. This can be achieved by ensuring that the ditches and culverts running alongside the A607 are clear and free flowing. The WFWG is also considering the feasibility of digging basins to hold water temporarily, east of the A607. These ideas have been presented to the Senior Flood Risk Officer and Local Highways Manager at Lincolnshire County Council (LCC). Our suggestions were received in good faith, but the WFWG was warned that any long-term solution might not fully mitigate a repeat of Storm Babet.
6.3 The LCC Officers have promised us a site visit in due course
6.4 Resident JR stated that he wishes to be present at flood meetings with the authorities.
7. County and District Councillors updates
7.1 Cllr Overton (arrived 20.30 left 21.15) expressed her concern on the following two points: -
• The proposal to develop 38,000 acres of solar farms throughout Lincolnshire will reduce available arable land. Also, the Government states solar development should not be allowed on Grade 3A or above whereas LCC it should not be allowed on 3B or above. The Springwell Solar Farm consultation closes on 22 February 2022.
• The proposed Greater Lincolnshire Devolution plan is problematic. Most of the Government money made available will be spent in Northeast Lincolnshire. A directly elected mayor’s priority will be economic development (more housing and green energy). The amount of money being made available is small. The consultation on the Greater Lincolnshire Devolution Plan is open until 29 January 2024.
7.2 Regarding the recent floods, the following grants are available to residents / and or businesses subject to eligibility:
• £500 – North Kesteven District Council (NKDC)
• Up to £5000 from LCC
• Up to £20,000 from LCC for eligible farmers affected by Storm Henk where crops have been damaged.
8. Current and future maintenance responsibilities
8.1 The Council discussed flood mitigation resources.
8.2 Resolved: That the RFO obtain prices on the cost of purchasing 100 and 200 sandbags.
8.3 Regarding the horse chestnut tree on The Green, the Council discussed the LCC response as mentioned in the Parish Clerk’s report above.
8.4 Resolved: LCC be requested to remove the horse chestnut tree on The Green.
8.5 Councillors expressed concern that the LCC Highways deemed that the gushing water coming out of the verge on The Green adjacent The Manor Care Home is a spring. It is the Parish Council’s view that this water is due to a blocked / collapsed culvert.
8.6 Resolved: That LCC Highways be requested to carry out a full survey of the culvert and drains in the area to ensure they there are no blockages.
8.7 The Parish Council still have concerns that the drainage works carried out by LCC in Moat Lane a few years ago have not resolved the surface water problem.
8.8 Action: Cllr Beaty to assist the RFO in sourcing a replacement gate catch at Castle Hill.
9. Planning Matters to consider and discuss:
9.1 The Parish Council was invited to comment on intended works to trees in a Conservation Area outlined in Application references: 23/1388/TCA and 23/1383/TCA on 23 November 2023 at the Archdeacons House. However, no comments received or made.
10. Notifications of Planning Decisions:
10.1 Planning Application Reference: 23/1305/LBC
Proposal: Installation of 2 no. skylights to single storey (rear) flat roof area and removal of part internal wall to kitchen/dining area.
Location: 3 Hall Lane Welbourn Lincoln Lincolnshire LN5 0NN – Approved.
10.2 Application Reference: 23/0209/HOUS
Proposal: Erection of single storey extensions to existing bungalow to form extension to living accommodation and garage (Amended Description)
Location: The Lodge Main Road Welbourn – Approved
10.3 Resolved: The Parish Council notes these decisions made by NKDC.
11. Finance Report (From Responsible Finance Officer): - To review bank balances, invoices paid since last meeting since, and items to be paid before next meeting, and 3rd Quarter budget comparison: -
11.1 Accounts value (4 January 2024):
HSBC Client A/c 611: £3,960.30 (Forge et al) HSBC A/c 772: £17,117.87 (For Precept) |
HSBC Bmm A/c 638: £8,314.59 (Reserves) HSBC Business C/A 677: £1,967.51 Bank Total: £31,360.27 |
Verified by Cllr Huntsman using the most recent bank statements.
11.2 Bank reconciled: £0 discrepancy.
11.3 Payments made since 8 November 2023
11.4 Payments received since last meeting:
HMRC VAT 126 – (£3,713.37) |
11.5 Expected payments within the next meeting (14 February 2024):
11.6 Investments
Melton Building Society Account (Reserves): Balance £972.81
11.7 Quarter 3 budget comparison:
Please find attached the against budget comparison for quarter 3, this comparison is in the same format as previous quarters.
Total budget: £27,440. Anticipated budget spend: £20,580 (09/12)
Actual budget spend: £30,110.29 (46% Over Budget)
Spend against budget by area:
Budget |
Actual |
Percentage Difference |
Reason |
Utilities: |
£4,200 |
£3,316.71 |
21% Under |
Invoice timing, lower increase than originally anticipated |
Grass cutting: |
£3,375 |
£4,490 |
33% Over |
Time of year – Final quarter is winter/ early spring |
General maintenance: |
£3,075 |
£1,068.26 |
65% Under |
Larger scale maintenance planned for other quarters (Trees) |
Insurance: |
£600 |
£937.08 |
56% Over |
Annual expense |
Financial: |
£338 |
£373 |
10% Over |
Annual expense received. |
£443 |
£572.43 |
29% Over |
Annual expenses incurred, website hours |
Clerk & RFO: |
£6,000 |
£6,845.81 |
14% Over |
Back pay owing from previous year paid |
Village hall: |
£750 |
£0 |
100% Under |
Community projects: |
£1800 |
£12,507 |
694% Over |
FCC initial contribution. Proludic VAT element, first invoice |
11.8 Resolved: The Parish Council notes and approves the Items 11.1 -11.7.
12. To authorise the transfer of £8,300.00 from the HSBC reserves account ending 6638 to HSBC Business account ending 5677.
12.1 Resolved: Transfer approved.
13. To consider and approve the precept for 2024-25.
The proposed precept demand for financial year 2024-2025 is due for authorisation. This precept is based on the budget agreed at the previous meeting (8th November 2023) – The net Precept demand is £28,875.68 and will be received on 02/04/2024.
13.1 Resolved: That the RFO submit this precept to NKDC for £28,875.68.
14. To consider and approve a request from the Welbourn Village Hall and Playing Field Committee to make a 50% contribution towards their annual insurance premium.
14.1 Resolved: That a contribution of £1029.82 (50% of the premium) be made to the Village Hall and Playing Field Committee.
15. FCC Communities Foundation Grant
15.1 Cllr Bighi confirmed that the Play Park Upgrade carried out by Proludic Ltd is now complete. The picnic benches and tables have been received from Kedel Ltd and are being stored in the village hall. These will be installed in March when the ground is drier. FCC Communities Foundation have confirmed that it will pay the outstanding amount excluding VAT to Proludic Ltd and Kedel Ltd. The £689.34 grant for materials for volunteers will need to be claimed by April 2024.
15.2 Resolved: That the Parish Clerk / RFO be authorised to pay the outstanding VAT elements to Proludic and Kedel Ltd. (The VAT will be reclaimed from HMRC by the Parish Council).
16. Portfolio Holders Update
16.1 Cllr Cross expressed his thanks to the WFWG and anyone who helped out during the recent floods.
16.2 Cllr Bighi will be meeting with representatives from Sir William Robertson Academy along with Councillors from Leadenham Parish Council.
To formally recognises the work of the Welbourn Flood Working Group – Cllr Cross.
16.3 Cllr Beaty has identified some ditches which need to be cleaned. He will provide the Parish Clerk with details so letters can be sent to those responsible for cleaning.
16.4 Resolved: That the Parish Clerk write to those farmers requesting appropriate cleaning.
16.5 Cllr Crosby informed the Council of the two quotes which had been received for the repainting of the telephone box.
16.6 Resolved: That the lower quote be accepted and that the Parish Clerk issue instructions to the successful contractor.
16.7 Cllr Stark explained that the 2023-2024 pay figures for Clerks and RFO had been received from LALC. Back pay is due from April 2023.
16.8 Resolved: That outstanding back pay of £180.00 each be paid to the Parish Clerk and RFO as soon as possible.
17. Agenda items for next meeting: Emergency Plan.
Meeting closed at 9.35 pm.
Copies to: All Parish Councillors; County & District Councillors. Parish Council Web Site.
Future Parish Council Meetings:
Dates for 2024 14th of February. 13th of March. 10th of April. |
8th of May; 12th of June. 10th of July.
11th of September. 9th of October. 13th of November |
Councillor |
Portfolio 1 |
Portfolio 2 (& 3) |
Robert Cross |
Byways/Highways |
Cliff Cluster Group Rep |
Stephen Short |
Planning |
Human Resources Cttee (& VH Rep) |
Harriet Huntsman |
Finance Cttee |
Katies Stark |
Human Resources Cttee |
Finance Cttee (& Communications) |
Jake Beaty |
Drainage |
The Forge |
Michael Bighi |
Schools Liaison |
Cliffe Cluster Group Rep (& Nature) |
Marian Smith |
Community Safety & Resilience |
Nature |
Steve Spedding |
Castle Hill |
Community Safety & Resilience (& Nature) |
Mark Crosby |
Allotments |
Village Hall Rep |