March 2024 Minutes
Welbourn Parish Council
Parish Councillors Robert Cross Michael Bighi Steve Spedding |
Mark Crosby Stephen Short Jake Beaty Harriet Huntsman |
Mr Jim Fieldhouse – Parish Clerk County Cllr. Marianne Overton MBE |
District Councillor Mrs Lucille Hagues A Welbourn Resident (GK) |
Not Present
Cllr Katie Stark Cllr Marian Smith |
Mr Daniel Bancroft – Responsible Finance Officer (RFO) |
1. Welcome
2. Acceptance of reasons for absence
2.1 Cllrs Stark and Smith sent their apologies. The Responsible Finance Officer also sent his apologies. These were accepted.
3. Declaration of interest in any matter on the agenda – None declared.
4. Notes of the meeting held on 14 February 2024 were approved as minutes. Proposed by Cllr. Short and seconded by Cllr. Bighi.
4.1 Resolved: That these be accepted as minutes.
5. Clerk’s Report on matters outstanding
5.1 Village Hall:- The air source heat pump has been serviced. A small fault was noticed during the service, and this was repaired by the engineers. The bill for the service and repair is £226.
5.2 Proposed Deed Of Trust Between Welbourn Parish Council and Welbourn Village Hall and Playing Field Committee (VH&PFC):- Wilkin Chapman Solicitors Lincoln have advised that they do not feel suitably qualified to draw up the deed of trust which the Parish Council requires. They suggested Wrigleys Solicitors in Leeds. Details of our requirements have been sent to Wrigleys. They expect to provide a quote by the end of next week.
5.3 Lincolnshire County Council (LCC) Highways:- The potholes on Beck Street have been reported on FixMyStreet. It appears LCC have a scheme in hand to deal with these but unfortunately no details are available. The damaged grass verges outside the Archdeacon’s House and adjacent the village pond have been reported but LCC say they need to concentrate resources on health and safety matters. An update to LCC on the culvert opposite 6 The Green has been provided, informing that the BT telegraph pole appears to have pierced the culvert which is why water is bubbling up beside the pole whenever there is heavy rainfall. No response from LCC so far.
5.4 Leadenham Tip:- A complaint regarding the smell from the tip has been received. Lincolnshire County Council planning enforcement have been asked to look into this matter and report back.
5.5 Springwell Solar Farm:- The agreed statement has been sent to Springwell Solar Farm consultation, but this has not been acknowledged.
5.6 The British Sugar Funding Application: - This has been approved and we are advised that the funding amount will be in the WPC bank account shortly.
5.7 The Welbourn Forge: - £235 in donations received is to be banked shortly.
5.8 The Clerk read out a statement from the Responsible Finance Officer concerning the reserves and spending which was noted by the Parish Council.
6. Public Forum – No members of the public present.
7. Proposed Emergency Plan for Welbourn: -
7.1 Resident GK has stepped forward and volunteered to become Volunteer Emergency Plan Coordinator. GK presented his ideas on how to effectively implement the proposed Emergency Plan. He acknowledged that there is currently informal support for villagers through the Welbourn Volunteers WhatsApp Group. However, the locations of all vulnerable people are not known for sure. The implementation plan will involve recruiting volunteers to act as street monitors to inform people in an emergency how to access help.
7.2 Resolved: - That the Parish Council endorse the appointment of GK as Volunteer Emergency Plan Coordinator and be available to assist when and where required.
8. County and District Councillors updates
8.1 The March newsletters from Cllrs Overton and Hagues have been distributed to the Parish Councillors. These are published on the Parish Council website.
8.2 Cllr Hagues advised that the Greater Lincolnshire Devolution proposal had been passed by LCC earlier that day. She left the meeting at 20.30 approximately.
8.3 County Councillor Marianne Overton advised that LCC has secured £8.4m to be spent on flood defences and fire and rescue. An extra £2.5m is available for spending on roads, the Green Master Plan and public rights of way. £30m per year will be coming to Lincolnshire through the cancellation of HS2 (£262m in total over several years). She expressed regret that The Greater Lincolnshire Devolution proposal has been approved by LCC. (Cllr MO arrived 20.45 and left when the meeting closed)
9. Current and future maintenance responsibilities
9.1 Grass cutting contract – Four contractors had been invited to quote. Two contractors responded with a quote.
9.2. Resolved: - That the Parish Council accept the lower quote from CB Ground Maintenance.
9.3 The condition of the cherry tree opposite 46 The Green was considered.
9.4 Resolved: - That the Parish Clerk ask the NKDC Tree Officer for advice on pruning / pollarding
10. Planning Matters to consider and discuss:
10.1 Notification of Receipt of Planning Application
Planning Application Reference: 24/0209/HOUS
Proposal: Erection of a carport, canopy and two storey side and rear extension
Location: Chestnut Tree Cottage The Heath Wellingore Lincoln Lincolnshire 10.2 Resolved: - That the Parish Council has no objections to the proposals.
11. Notifications of Planning Decisions:
11.1 Application References: 23/0425/HOUS & 23/0495/LBC
Proposal: Proposed window replacement and extend roof line (revised description)
Location: Greystone Cottage The Green Welbourn - NKDC Decisions: Approved
11.2 Resolved: - That the Parish Council notes the NKDC decisions.
12. Finance Report: - From the Responsible Finance Officer (RFO): - To review bank balances, invoices paid since last meeting since, and items to be paid before next meeting: -
12.1 Accounts value (4 March 2024):
HSBC Client A/c 611: £3,979.29 (Forge et al) HSBC A/c 772: £6,676.51 (For Precept) |
HSBC Bmm A/c 638: £31.42 (Reserves) HSBC Business C/A 677: £2,103.38 Bank Total: £12,790.60 |
12.2 Bank reconciled: £0 discrepancy.
12.3 Payments made since 14 February 2024
12.4 Payments received since last meeting:
12.5 Expected payments within the next meeting (10 April 2024):
12.6 Investments
Melton Building Society Account (Reserves): Balance £972.81
12.7 Internal Auditor: Andrea Smith has agreed to perform our internal audit. This will be arranged after the April 10th Parish council meeting.
13. D Day 80 Commemoration
13.1 The Parish Council discussed the various options for commemorating this event.
13.2 Resolved: - 1) That the Parish Council support the bell ringing suggestion; 2) that the Parish Council ask Leadenham PC whether it wishes to join in with a commemorative event; 3) that The Welbourn Forge be asked to provide information on constructing a beacon.
14. Safety concerns on A607
14.1 Following a road traffic accident recently, a villager asked that the Parish Council discuss this matter. Cllr Short advised that he has reported the damaged roadside safety bollards at the sharp corner of Welbourn Hall Nursing Home and the railway bridge just beyond Sir William Robertson Academy.
14.2 Resolved: - That the Parish Clerk request the LCC to install SLOW road markings and that attempts be made to utilise the Speed Indicator Device.
15. Portfolio Holders Update:
15.1 Cllr Crosby advised that three allotments had become vacant and that three applicants had applied to the advertisement on the Parish Council noticeboard.
15.2 Resolved: -That the three applicants be offered allotments plots in accordance with the usual terms.
15.2 Cllr. Bighi will arrange for the picnic benches and sundry works to be completed at the playground when the weather improves.
15.3. Cllr. Short advised that the Chair and Treasurer of the Village Hall and Playing Field Committee had resigned on health grounds and that new recruits to the Committee are required urgently. The VH&PFC are planning a family picnic on 6th May 2024 to celebrate the opening of the upgrade play equipment.
16. Agenda items for next meeting: None suggested
Meeting closed 9.15 pm.
Next meeting:
Wednesday 10th April 2024
Copies to: All Parish Councillors; County & District Councillors. Parish Council Web Site.
Future Parish Council Meetings in 2024:
All meetings to commence at 7.30 pm
Dates for 2024 10th of April; 8th of May; 12th of June; |
10th of July; 11th of September; 9th of October ; 13th of November. |
Councillor |
Portfolio 1 |
Portfolio 2 (& 3) |
Robert Cross |
Byways/Highways |
Cliff Cluster Group Rep |
Stephen Short |
Planning |
Human Resources Cttee (& VH Rep) |
Harriet Huntsman |
Finance Cttee |
Katies Stark |
Human Resources Cttee |
Finance Cttee (& Communications) |
Jake Beaty |
Drainage |
The Forge |
Michael Bighi |
Schools Liaison |
Cliffe Cluster Group Rep (& Nature) |
Marian Smith |
Community Safety & Resilience |
Nature |
Steve Spedding |
Castle Hill |
Community Safety & Resilience (& Nature) |
Mark Crosby |
Allotments |
Village Hall Rep |