September 2024 Minutes
Welbourn Parish Council
Parish Councillors Robert Cross (Chair) Steve Spedding Harriet Huntsman |
Mark Crosby Michael Bighi Stephen Short Louise Troy |
Mr Daniel Bancroft – Responsible Finance Officer (RFO) District Cllr Marianne Overton MBE A Welbourn resident |
District Councillor Mrs Lucille Hagues Mr Jim Fieldhouse – Parish Clerk 2 Candidates for the Position of Parish Councillor |
Not Present
Cllr Katie Stark |
1. Chairman’s welcome
2. Acceptance of reasons for absence
2.1 Apologies were received from Cllr Stark (holiday). These were accepted.
3. Declaration of interest in any matter on the agenda – Cllr. Short declared that in respect of item 13, he is the Chair of Welbourn Village Hall and Playing Committee.
4. Notes of Extraordinary Meeting held on 31 July 2024 to be approved as minutes. Proposed by Cllr Short and seconded by Cllr Bighi.
4.1 Resolved: That these be accepted as minutes of the meeting.
5. Consideration of candidate(s) for the position of Co-opted Parish Councillor and co-option thereafter.
5.1 The two candidates each made a short presentation stating their case to become a Parish Councillor. The Chair thanked both candidates for showing an interest in becoming a councillor.
5.2 A secret ballot of those Councillors present, elected Steve Ralph.
5.3 Cllr Ralph was therefore co-opted on to Welbourn Parish Council and signed the Acceptance of Office Form.
6. Clerk’s Report on matters outstanding from 10 July 2024 meeting:
6.1 Regarding item 5.5, the footpath on the railway embankment has now been cleared and is now passable.
6.2 Regarding item 5.6 the Environment Agency’s advice arrived on the 31st of July 2024 and advised that a full survey of the wildlife be carried out before any action is taken. The proposed works to The Beck were therefore withdrawn from the NK Rural Prosperity Fund Application as per resolution 5.4 of the Extraordinary Meeting on 31 July 2024.
6.3 Regarding item 5.8 letters have been sent to local farmers requesting that they keep the keep their ditches and water courses clear. Separately, several residential properties have been identified as having riparian responsibilities. Letters will be sent to these owners in due course.
6.4 Regarding the resolutions at items 8.4 and 8.6, these were superseded at the Extraordinary Meeting on the 31 July 2024 by resolution 5.7.
6.5 Regarding correspondence, the Parish Council has received an email from a villager expressing concern about the poor attendance of one or two Parish Councillors. The Chair made a statement about this as follows:
Councillors have a duty to attend the meetings they are summoned to. Where you are unable to attend, you must contact the Parish Clerk with an apology. These apologies are noted in the minutes: if no apology is offered it is recorded in the minutes as an absence. The Clerk keeps a record of all attendances and non-attendances and whether an apology is offered, and whether the apology offered is accepted by the Council. Holidays, illness, and unexpected caring responsibilities are normally accepted. Attending a social engagement at short notice might not be accepted by the Council as a valid reason for non-attendance. Failure to attend any meetings for a six-month period will result in an automatic disqualification from being a councillor unless a request is made for the council to grant an extended absence.
7. Public Forum
7.1 A resident spoke to say that she and her husband had submitted a planning application to North Kesteven District Council (NKDC). She asked if the Parish Council could advise her on the next steps.
7.2 Cllr. Overton advised that the resident contact NKDC Planning directly concerning her query.
8. County and District Councillors update
8.1 Cllr Hagues stated that she had nothing further to add to her September newsletter which had already been sent to Parish Councillors.
8.2 Cllr Overton reported that over 18,000 people had attended the Lost Village Music Festival. NKDC had thought it appropriate to issue the licence to stage the event following measures to turn the main stage away from populated areas. The noise levels were monitored by acoustic engineers. Nevertheless, 30 complaints were received.
8.3 A consultation event is being held at The Venue, Navenby on Friday 27 September 2024 (3pm – 7pm) in connection with the proposed Electricity Substation in Navenby. The plans include 324 shipping style containers which will house lithium batteries. This could present a fire hazard. Cllr Overton questioned the safety and the financial viability of the project. Mr Barry Earnshaw is the Chair/Convenor of the Stop Fosse Green Steering Group
8.4 Cllr Cross expressed concern that a school bus was seen using Dycote Lane. Cllr Cross assumed it was on its way to Sir William Robertson Academy.
8.5 Action Point: Parish Clerk to contact Leadenham PC to enquire whether it has further information.
9. Current and future maintenance responsibilities
9.1 The Parish Clerk reported that two quotes had been received regarding the repainting of the Millennium sculptures and that no quotes had been received for jet washing the Millennium sculptures prior to repainting. Cllr Bighi advised that the NK Rural Prosperity Fund application contains some elements of this work.
9.2 Resolved: That the repainting of the Millenium Sculptures be put on hold until the outcome of the NK Rural Prosperity Fund bid is known.
9.3 The old BT telephone box containing the defibrillator has now been repainted. The bill for £395 has just been paid.
9.4 Resolved: That the Parish Clerk write a letter of thanks to British Sugar and the local resident for their financial support for this project.
9.5 Cllr Troy expressed concern about the danger for vehicles joining the A607 from Hall Lane and asked if Lincolnshire County Council Highways could fit a suitable mirror to aid motorists.
9.6 Action Point: Parish Clerk to contact LCC Highways to ask if this is possible.
9.7 Cllr Bighi stated that a resident had reported that the playing field boundary fence along Moat Lane was broken in parts and needs repairing.
9.8 Action point: Parish Clerk and Chair to inspect the fence and assess what needs to be done.
(Cllrs Hagues and Overton left the meeting at 8.30 pm)
10. Planning Matters to consider and discuss:
10.1 Notification of Receipt of Planning Application
Planning Application Reference: 24/0876/VARCON
Proposal: Application to vary condition 4 (approved plans) of planning permission
16/0458/FUL - Existing 3-bay garage to be modified and extended to create new dwelling with integral double garage and new access off Cow Lane. (Resubmission of application
11/1175/FUL). Integral double garage to be amended to detached double garage.
Location: Land Adjacent to Welland House 20 Beck Street Welbourn Lincoln Lincolnshire
10.2 Lincolnshire County Council is preparing an updated Minerals and Waste Local Plan which will guide the future provision of minerals and the management of waste in Lincolnshire up to 2041. The consultation starts on Tuesday 30 July 2024 and finishes at 5pm on Tuesday 24 September 2024.
10.3 Resolved: That items 10.1 and 10.2 are noted.
11. Notifications of Planning Decisions: None
12. Finance Report: - From the Responsible Finance Officer (RFO): - To review bank balances, invoices paid since last meeting since, items to be paid before next meeting: -
12.1 Accounts value (29 Aug 2024):
HSBC Client A/c 611: £4,162.92 (Forge et al) HSBC A/c 772: £16,995.82 (For Precept) |
HSBC Bmm A/c 638: £21,072.22 (Reserves) HSBC Business C/A 677: £1,956.55 Bank Total: £44,187.51 |
NB These balances were crossed checked with bank statements and counter signed by Cllr. Short.
12.2 Bank reconciled: £0 discrepancy.
12.3 Payments made since 10 July 2024
12.4 Payments received since last meeting:
12.5 Expected payments within the next meeting (9 Oct 2024):
12.6 Resolved: That items 12.1 – 12 5 are noted and accepted.
13. Update on proposed Trust Deed between Welbourn Parish Council and the Welbourn Playing Field Committee (VH&PFC) from the Parish Clerk.
13.1 The Parish Council at the June 2024 meeting resolved (Resolution 15.2) to follow the initial advice given by Wrigley’s Solicitors Leeds. The Parish Clerk and Cllr Short (representing the VH&PLC) went through the various points raised by the solicitors and provided the solicitors with the necessary information. Wrigley’s Solicitors have responded stating that their charge for proceeding further with the proposed Trust Deed would be £4500 plus VAT (estimated).
13.2 This is a much higher figure than the Parish Council had anticipated. After consulting with the Chair, the Parish Clerk researched an alternative legal firm on a recommendation received from the Lincolnshire Association of Local Councils (LALC). The Wellers Law Group, London who specialise in Parish Council work have provided an estimate in the range £1250 - £1750 plus VAT for drawing up an up dated Trust Deed. The scope of the work is less than that envisaged by Wrigley’s but satisfies the minimum requirements that the Parish Council requires. The new Trust Deeds is an essential requirement to enable the VH&PFC to show insurable interest when it enters into a contract with their insurance company to insure the village hall and the operation of the playing fields.
13.3 Resolved: That the Parish Clerk instructs the Weller Law Group, London to prepare a new Trust Deed which will satisfy the Parish Council’s minimum requirements and that the solicitors be advised to alert the Parish Council should there be any possibly that the legal fees exceed £1750.
13.4 Resolved: That the Parish Council approve the payment of legal fees for the proposed new Trust Deed from reserves as these costs have not been budgeted for.
14. To agree and adopt a Health and Safety Policy for Welbourn Parish Council – Cllr. Spedding.
14.1 Cllr. Spedding presented a proposed a basic Health and Safety Policy for adoption by the Council. An addendum on roles and responsibilities will follow. A Health and Safety policy is an essential requirement.
14.2 Resolved: That this Health and Safety policy be adopted by the Parish Council with immediate effect.
15. Update on progress with the funding application to NK Rural England Prosperity Fund.
15.1 Cllr. Bighi presented an outline of the proposed funding application to NK Rural Prosperity Fund following Resolution 5.7 made at the Extraordinary Meeting held on 31 July 2024. The proposed works includes:
• Repairs to the wooden footbridge at Castle Hill
• New Benches and repairs to existing benches.
• Resurfacing the tennis court and repairs to the fencing at the tennis court
• A new sign
• A floatation device for The Beck.
The total cost of the works is £10,959. Cllr. Bighi advised that NKDC had advised that the funding bid has a better chance of succeeding, the higher the level of match funding offered by the applicant.
15.2 Resolved: That the Parish Council offer a 25% level of match funding to the NK Rural Prosperity Fund application meaning that if the bid is successful, £2283 will be needed to be withdrawn from the Parish Council’s reserve account.
16. To discuss and agree on steps to mitigate potential Autumn flooding incidents.
16.1 The Parish Clerk explained what steps have already been taken and that useful information is available on the Parish Council website.
16.2 Resolved: That the Parish Clerk continue to write to certain riparian owners and that an article be submitted to the Three Villages magazine advising homeowners that it is their responsibility to protect their own property from flooding whist taking into consideration the effects on other property owners.
17. Portfolio Holders Updates:
17.1 Cllr Cross mentioned that he had received a complaint regarding an HGV being parked overnight on Dycote Lane.
17.2 Cllr Ralph was appointed Portfolio holders for Drainage issues.
18. Agenda items for the next meeting: Village Pond/Beck issues; Addendum to Health and Safety Policy.
Meeting closed at 9.45 pm.
Next meeting:
Wednesday 9 October 2024
Copies to: Parish Councillors, County & District Councillors, Parish Council Web Site.
Future Parish Council Meetings in 2024: All meetings to commence at 7.30 pm.
Dates for 2024 9th of October; |
13th of November. |
Councillor |
Portfolio 1 |
Portfolio 2 (& 3) |
Robert Cross |
Byways/Highways |
Cliff Cluster Group Rep |
Stephen Short |
Planning & Finance Cttee |
Human Resources Cttee (& VH Rep) |
Harriet Huntsman |
Finance Cttee |
Katie Stark |
Human Resources Cttee |
Communications (& Planning) |
Steve Ralph |
Drainage |
Michael Bighi |
Schools Liaison |
Nature and Environment |
Steve Spedding |
Castle Hill |
Community Safety & Resilience |
Mark Crosby |
Allotments |
Village Hall Rep |
Louise Troy |
Health & Welfare |