April 2024 Minutes
Welbourn Parish Council
Parish Councillors Robert Cross Steve Spedding |
Mark Crosby Stephen Short
County Cllr. Marianne Overton MBE Mr Daniel Bancroft – Responsible Finance Officer (RFO) |
District Councillor Mrs Lucille Hagues Mr Jim Fieldhouse – Parish Clerk 2 Welbourn Residents (GC & LT) |
Not Present
Cllr Katie Stark Cllr. Harriet Huntsman |
Cllr Jake Beaty Cllr. Michael Bighi |
1. Welcome
2. Acceptance of reasons for absence
2.1 Cllrs Stark, Beaty and Bighi sent their apologies. These were accepted. Cllr Marian Smith submitted her resignation on 6 April 2024. This has been accepted by the Chairman. The North Kesteven District Council has been notified.
3. Declaration of interest in any matter on the agenda – None declared.
4. Notes of the meeting held on 13 March 2024 were approved as minutes. Proposed by Cllr. Short and seconded by Cllr. Spedding.
4.1 Resolved: That these be accepted as minutes.
5. Clerk’s Report on matters outstanding from 13 March 2024 Minutes:
5.1 After discussing the situation with the Site Business Manager at Leadenham Landfill Site a response explaining the situation was sent to the resident complaining about the occasional smells. The resident has offered thanks for the response.
5.2 Regarding the British Sugar Funding Application, £350 has been received into the Parish Council’s bank account from British Sugar to fund the repainting of the old telephone box housing the defibrillator. A further donation of £25 has been received into the PC’s bank account from the resident who organised the funding.
5.3 Regarding the cherry tree opposite 46 The Green, the North Kesteven District Council (NKDC) Tree Officer has advised that the tree is too old to begin a regime of pruning. The issue will be reviewed in late summer.
5.4 Regarding D Day Commemoration activities;
• St Chads Churchwarden has confirmed the following: Local ringers are booked in for 6.30pm on 6th June to perform a commemorative bell ringing. The poem for schools has been mentioned at the school Governors meeting later. PCC plans to utilise The Big Help Out national volunteering weekend of 7-9 June to help with the churchyard.
• Welbourn Forge did obtain a materials quote of £1100 plus for the construction of a beacon. This was circulated to all Parish Councillors who on a majority decision decided against funding this idea.
5.5 Lincolnshire County Council has acknowledged the Parish Council’s request to install more SLOW road markings on the A607 at Welbourn Hall corner. The Parish Clerk has been requested to submit photographs of the proposed location.
5.6 Action Point: Parish Clerk to submit these photographs as soon as possible.
5.7 An email has been received from a resident noting the large increase in the number of new dwellings in Leadenham and requesting that the Parish Council seeks confirmation from Anglian Water that Leadenham sewerage works has sufficient capacity to cope with the number of new houses projected to be built as outlined in the Welbourn Neighbourhood Development Plan.
5.8 Action Point: Parish Clerk to write to Anglian Water requesting confirmation that there is adequate sewerage capacity.
6. Public Forum – No comments made.
7. County and District Councillors updates
7.1 The March newsletters from Cllrs Overton and Hagues have been distributed to the Parish Councillors. These are published on the Parish Council website.
7.2 Cllr Hagues had nothing further to add to the information contained in her newsletter. She left the meeting at 20.30 approximately.
7.3 County Councillor Marianne Overton (arrived 20.45) advised that LCC secured more money to invest in roads. The priority will switch to improving B roads. She advised that she had attended at public meeting in Bassingham organised in protest against the development of Fosse Green and Springwell Solar Farms.
She criticised the new Lincolnshire Devo Deal explaining that this would add a further layer of Government and a further layer of local taxation. The Devo Deal has been agreed despite 65% of a sample of Lincolnshire residents being against it. She urged the Parish Council to write to the local MP to petition against the deal.
7.4 Resolved: That the Parish Council write to the local MP to petition against the Lincolnshire Devo Deal.
8. Current and future maintenance responsibilities
8.1 The leak in the village hall roof has been repaired. The invoice is awaited.
8.2 The start of the grass cutting contract had been delayed due to bad weather and a broken mower. The first cut has now taken place. Councillors complained about the quality of the cut.
8.3 Action point: Parish Clerk to raise this issue with grass cutting contractors.
8.4 A section of the barbed wire fence at the allotments has been cut preventing it from being stock proof. The Chair has issued repair instructions.
8.5 The Millenium art pieces at the churchyard, the forge, the telephone green, Belltree Green and the playing field boundary require repainting.
8.6 Action point: Cllr. Crosby agreed to obtain estimates for repainting.
9. Planning Matters to consider and discuss: None
10. Notifications of Planning Decisions: None
11. Finance Report: - From the Responsible Finance Officer (RFO): - To review bank balances, invoices paid since last meeting since, items to be paid before next meeting and budget comparison quarter 4 end: -
11.1 Accounts value (4 April 2024):
HSBC Client A/c 611: £4,220.87 (Forge et al) HSBC A/c 772: £48,852.81 (For Precept) |
HSBC Bmm A/c 638: £31.42 (Reserves) HSBC Business C/A 677: £1,652.04 Bank Total: £54,757.14 |
NB Cllr Short certified these bank balances against the bank statements.
11.2 Bank reconciled: £0 discrepancy.
11.3 Payments made since 13 March 2024
11.4 Payments received since last meeting:
11.5 Expected payments within the next meeting (8 May 2024):
11.6 Budget Comparison (Quarter 4):
Please see below the final budget comparison for 2023-2024.
Total budget: £27,440 Anticipated budget spend: £27,440 (12/12)
Actual budget spend: £24,778.23 (10% Under Budget)
Spend against budget by area:
Budget |
Actual |
Percentage Difference |
Reason |
Utilities: |
£5,600 |
£4,576.83 |
18% Under |
Electricity prices increase less than forecast |
Grass cutting: |
£4,500 |
£ 4,490 |
Within 1% |
General maintenance: |
£4,100 |
£2318.80 |
43% Under |
Planned tree maintenance postponed until 2024-2025, bridge repairs postponed until 2024-2025. |
Insurance: |
£800 |
£937.08 |
17% Over |
Increased more than expected year on year |
Financial: |
£450 |
£399 |
11% Under |
Increase in annual external auditor charges less than expected |
£590 |
£969.61 |
64% Over |
Additional website hours needed, training courses for Clerk |
Clerk & RFO: |
£8,000 |
£9325.75 |
14% Over |
Back pay owing from previous year paid |
Village hall: |
£1000 |
£1029.82 |
3% Over |
Community projects: |
£2400 |
£741.34 |
69% Under |
No Election necessary. |
Capital expenses this year (Previously included in sections above)
• FCC (Play equipment): £8,744.49
• Proludic (Play equipment): £15,578.83
• Kedel (Park benches): £552.13
N.B. Total Capital expenditure not included in Q4 comparison: £24,875.45
The RFO set out the timetable for compliance with the Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR).
11.7 Resolved: That the Items 11.1 – 11.6 be noted and approved by the Parish Council.
11.8 Investments
The Melton Building Society Account has been closed and the closing balance of £1004.19 transferred to HSBC account ending X638 (Reserves). The balance in this account on 10 April 2024 is £1,035.61. This was a forced closure as the Parish Council was no longer able to satisfy the changed account conditions.
11.9 Resolved: That a) the Council give retrospective approval to this closure b) request that the Responsible Finance Officer report back on alternative investment accounts c) transfer funds in excess of the 2024-25 Precept from the Precept Account to the HSBC Reserve Account.
12. Condition of the village pond / beck
12.1 The Parish Clerk reported a pollution incident at the village pond to the Environment Agency on 27.03.24. The Environment Agency have reported back stating that Anglian Water had checked out the beck further upstream and that this was found to be in good order. The discolouration of the beck / pond is due to rising levels of benthos.
12.2 Resolved: That the Council note these findings, keep the condition of the pond / beck under review, and seek volunteers to maintain the beck / pond.
13. Review of progress on flood mitigation
13.1 The Council considered a request to review the sandbag situation at the junction of The Green and High Street from resident AB. Cllr Overton was able to confirm that Lincolnshire County Council (LCC) has accepted and programmed for remedial works in The Green & Hall Lane. However, the scale of these works means they will probably be completed in 2025/26 rather than this year.
13.2 Regarding the flooding problems in Moat Lane, the LCC will carry out further investigations.
13.3 The Parish Clerk advised that the Welbourn Flood Working Group had submitted its proposals for flood mitigation to LCC but had not yet received a formal response.
13.4 Resolved: That the Council note these points.
14. Hedgehog highway project –
14.1 A brief discussion outlining the purpose of the scheme and the likely costs.
14.2 Resolved: That no community action is required.
15. Proposed New Deed of Trust between Parish Council and Village Hall and Playing Field Committee.
15.1 A report from Wrigleys Solicitors (Leeds) was presented to the Council explaining the scope of the likely work involved and the estimated legal fees of £1,250 plus VAT.
15.2 Resolved: That the Council reaffirm the Resolution 5.4 from the Extra Ordinary Meeting on 24 January 2024 to instruct solicitors to draw up a new Deed of Trust between the Parish Council and the Village Hall and Playing Field Committee.
16. Portfolio Holders Update
16.1 Cllr. Crosby suggested that a review of allotment rents be carried out.
16.2 Action Point: Parish Clerk and Cllr Crosby to work on this.
16.3 Cllr. Crosby requested that the hedge at the Forge be trimmed back following representations from a resident in Crosby Lane.
16.4 Action Point: Parish Clerk to instruct local contractor to carry out this work.
16.5 Cllr. Cross advised that a boundary wall in Moat Lane is bulging.
16.6 Action Point: Parish Clerk to write to owner requesting that its condition be checked.
16.7 The Parish Clerk speaking on behalf of Cllr. Bighi requested that Cllr Bighi be authorised to initiate the release of the remaining instalment of £689.34 from FCC Communities Foundation to complete the outstanding works to the play park upgrade.
16.7 Resolved: That the Council approves this request.
17. Agenda items for next meeting: None suggested.
Next meeting:
Wednesday 8th May 2024
Copies to: All Parish Councillors; County & District Councillors. Parish Council Web Site.
Future Parish Council Meetings in 2024:
All meetings to commence at 7.30 pm
Dates for 2024 8th of May; 12th of June; |
10th of July; 11th of September; 9th of October; 13th of November. |
Councillor |
Portfolio 1 |
Portfolio 2 (& 3) |
Robert Cross |
Byways/Highways |
Cliff Cluster Group Rep |
Stephen Short |
Planning |
Human Resources Cttee (& VH Rep) |
Harriet Huntsman |
Finance Cttee |
Katies Stark |
Human Resources Cttee |
Finance Cttee (& Communications) |
Jake Beaty |
Drainage |
The Forge |
Michael Bighi |
Schools Liaison |
Cliffe Cluster Group Rep (& Nature) |
Marian Smith |
Community Safety & Resilience |
Nature |
Steve Spedding |
Castle Hill |
Community Safety & Resilience (& Nature) |
Mark Crosby |
Allotments |
Village Hall Rep |