February 2024 Minutes
Welbourn Parish Council
Parish Councillors Robert Cross Michael Bighi |
Marian Smith Mark Crosby Stephen Short |
Mr Jim Fieldhouse – Parish Clerk
District Councillor Mrs Lucille Hagues |
Not Present
County Cllr. Marianne Overton MBE Cllr Katie Stark Cllr Harriet Huntsman |
Mr Daniel Bancroft – Responsible Finance Officer (RFO) Cllr Jake Beaty Cllr Steve Spedding |
1. Welcome
2. Acceptance of reasons for absence
2.1 Cllrs Spedding; Stark and Beaty sent their apologies. The Responsible Finance Officer also sent his apologies. These were accepted.
3. Declaration of interest in any matter on the agenda – None declared.
4. Notes of the meeting held on 10 & 24 January 2024 were approved as minutes. Proposed by Cllr. Bighi and seconded by Cllr. Short.
4.1 Resolved: That these be accepted as minutes.
5. Clerk’s Report on matters outstanding
5.1 Regarding the following items from the minutes of 10 January 2024, the following comments were made:
• 8.2 - The County Council have been requested to remove the chestnut tree on The Green. However, no response has been received to date.
• 8.6 - Lincolnshire County Council (LCC) has responded thus:
New updates on Culvert under The Green adjacent 6 The Green, Welbourn,LN5 0NJ
We're sending you this message to let you know that we've assessed the culvert condition, and this does not require urgent repair and we have identified this location for a larger scale improvement scheme. We have carried out our jetting works and identified that all our drainage assets are cleared and running freely with no blockages. At this stage we are unable to give specific dates for this culvert repair both on Hall Lane and The Green, but rest assured this is currently being looked into via our Drainage Asset Team. Thank you for reporting this matter.
State changed to: Closed
• 15.2 - The outstanding balance due to Proludic Ltd.and Kedel Ltd.has now been paid so no further monies are owing. The Responsible Finance Officer will submit a VAT reclaim as soon as possible.
• 16.4 - Letters have been sent to the farmers responsible, but no response has been received to date.
5.2 Regarding the following items from the minutes of the Extraordinary Meeting held on 24 January 2024, the following comments were made:
• 5.4 The Parish Clerk has instructed our solicitors to draw up a Deed of Trust signifying the relationship between Welbourn PC and the Welbourn Village Hall and Playing Field Committee. The cost of this drawing up the deed is yet to be supplied by the solicitors.
• 5.4 Allied Westminster have confirmed that the Deed of Trust dated the 7th of September 1922 between the Welbourn Parish Council and the village hall committee as it was then, is proof of the Village Hall and Playing Field Committee’s insurable interest in the village hall and the playing field. The insurance for the village hall and playing field is now properly in place.
5.3 Resolved: That the Parish Council still proceed with the instructions to the solicitors to draw up an updated Deed of Trust.
5.4 50% of the willows have been pollarded at Castle Hill as previously planned. However, the damp conditions prevented the full job being completed. The contractor will complete the job when conditions are drier. The contractor’s invoice for one day’s work (£600+VAT) has been passed on to Responsible Finance Officer for payment.
5.5 The Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner has launched a campaign to tackle fraud and scams by empowering communities to identify and report fraud through the distribution of FREE fraud and scam prevention packs. Information is available on the Parish Council website.
6. Public Forum – No members of the public present.
7. County and District Councillors updates
7.1 The February newsletters from Cllrs Overton and Hagues have been distributed to the Parish Councillors. These are published on the Parish Council website.
Cllr Hagues had nothing further to add and left the meeting at 20.00 approximately.
8. Current and future maintenance responsibilities
8.1 The ranch style fencing separating the footpath from the moat on Castle Hill is broken.
8.2 Action: Parish Clerk to issue instructions to repair this.
8.3 The Parish Clerk has surveyed the roads in Welbourn and identified many potholes.
8.4 Action: Parish Clerk to report these on FixMyStreet as soon as possible.
8.5 The Parish Clerk has arranged for the air source heating system in the village hall to be serviced.
8.6 The RFO has provided the following quotes: Sandbags x 200 – £144.36: Gate Latch – £8.92.
8.7. Action: RFO to arrange the purchase of 200 sandbags and the gate latch as per the quotes.
9. Planning Matters to consider and discuss:
9.1 Application Reference: 23/0495/LBC
Proposal: Proposed window replacement and extend roof line (revised description)
Location: Greystone Cottage The Green Welbourn 9.2 Application Reference: 23/0425/HOUS
Proposal: Proposed window replacement and extend roof line (revised description)
Location: Greystone Cottage The Green Welbourn 9.3 Resolved: The Parish Council supports these two applications.
10. Notifications of Planning Decisions: None
11. Finance Report: - From the Responsible Finance Officer (RFO): - To review bank balances, invoices paid since last meeting since, and items to be paid before next meeting: -
11.1 Accounts value (4 February 2024):
HSBC Client A/c 611: £3,973.23 (Forge et al) HSBC A/c 772: £8,117.87 (For Precept) |
HSBC Bmm A/c 638: £14.59 (Reserves) HSBC Business C/A 677: £2,164.23 Bank Total: £14,269.92 |
11.2 Bank reconciled: £0 discrepancy.
11.3 Payments made since 10 January 2024
11.4 Payments received since last meeting:
11.5 Expected payments within the next meeting (13 March 2024):
11.6 Investments
Melton Building Society Account (Reserves): Balance £972.81
11.7 Appointment of Internal Auditor:
The RFO wishes to approach Andrea Smith of Waddington Parish Council to perform the internal audit. The LALC service is inappropriate for this Council as it offers nothing extra, charges a standard amount based on population rather than financial complexity, and is inflexible with regards to timings.
11.8 Resolved: That the financial information in items 11.1 – 11.6 be noted and accepted and that the appointment of Andrea Smith as internal auditor be accepted.
12. Parish Council Email Address: (RFO)
12.1 The Parish Council discussed the proposal that LALC recommends that parish councils should have a public facing email address which all councillors can access, and the public are able to contact.
12.2 Resolved: - That the Parish Council continue with the current arrangements.
13. Smart Meter at the Forge: (RFO)
13.1 The request from Total Energies as to whether to install a smart meter at The Forge was discussed and considered.
13.2 Resolved: That the Parish Council reject this request due to low electricity usage.
14. Emergency Plan Update:
14.1 The Parish Clerk stated that a potential volunteer has put their name forward to act as lead coordinator for the proposed Emergency Plan. An informal interview has yet to be arranged.
15. Springwell Solar Farm:
15.1 The Chair and the Vice Chair explained briefly what the proposals involved.
15.2 Resolved: The Parish Council does not support the proposed development. The Chair will draft a consultation response on behalf of the Parish Council.
16. British Sugar Neighbourhood Support application form:
16.1 A Welbourn Resident has kindly provided the Parish Council with a Neighbourhood Support Claim Form from British Sugar. The maximum claim is £350.
16.2 Resolved: - That the Parish Clerk be authorised to complete the claim form to fund the repainting of the telephone box on The Green presently housing the defibrillator.
17. Village Hall Maintenance Responsibilities:
17.1 A discussion took place in view of the necessity to call an extraordinary meeting to discuss the insurance arrangements last month.
17.2 Resolved: That the current agreement dividing the responsibilities for the upkeep of the village hall is satisfactory and that it does not need amending at this time.
18. Portfolio Holders Update:
18.1 Cllr Crosby reported that two allotment holders have given notice to terminate their tenancies.
18.2 Action: The Parish Clerk to advertise their availability for reletting.
18.3 Cllr Cross reported that the Welbourn Floods Working Group had a meeting on 24 January 2024. The Group has submitted proposals for flood mitigation to Lincolnshire County Council. The LCC have acknowledged receipt and are considering the suggestions.
18.4 Cllrs Short and Bighi reported that the planned meeting with representatives from the Sir William Robertson Academy has be postponed due to staff shortages.
18.5 Cllr Bighi requested that the RFO explore how much funding the Parish Council could contribute to new funding opportunities.
18.6 Action: RFO to report on this at the March meeting.
19. Agenda items for next meeting: None suggested
Meeting closed at 9.00 pm.
Date of next meeting 13 March 2024.
Copies to:
All Parish Councillors; County & District Councillors. Parish Council Web Site.
Future Parish Council Meetings:
Dates for 2024 13th of March. 10th of April. |
8th of May; 12th of June. 10th of July. |
11th of September. 9th of October. 13th of November |
Councillor |
Portfolio 1 |
Portfolio 2 (& 3) |
Robert Cross |
Byways/Highways |
Cliff Cluster Group Rep |
Stephen Short |
Planning |
Human Resources Cttee (& VH Rep) |
Harriet Huntsman |
Finance Cttee |
Katies Stark |
Human Resources Cttee |
Finance Cttee (& Communications) |
Jake Beaty |
Drainage |
The Forge |
Michael Bighi |
Schools Liaison |
Cliffe Cluster Group Rep (& Nature) |
Marian Smith |
Community Safety & Resilience |
Nature |
Steve Spedding |
Castle Hill |
Community Safety & Resilience(& Nature) |
Mark Crosby |
Allotments |
Village Hall Rep |