October 2024 Minutes

Welbourn Parish Council


Parish Councillors
Robert Cross (Chair)
Steve Spedding
Harriet Huntsman
Katie Stark    Mark Crosby
Stephen Short
Louise Troy
Steve Ralph

Mr Daniel Bancroft – Responsible Finance Officer (RFO)

Mr Jim Fieldhouse – Parish Clerk

Not Present
Cllr. Michael Bighi
District Councillor Lucille Hagues    District Cllr Marianne Overton MBE

1. Chairman’s welcome

2. Acceptance of reasons for absence 
2.1 Apologies were received from Cllr Bighi (child minding responsibility). These were accepted. Cllrs Hagues and Overton also sent their apologies. 

3. Declaration of interest in any matter on the agenda – Cllr. Troy declared an interest in item 9.1. Cllr. Spedding declared an interest in 9.4. They agreed to recluse themselves for these items.  

4. Notes of Extraordinary Meeting held on 4 September 2024 to be approved as minutes. Proposed by Cllr Spedding and seconded by Cllr Huntsman. 
4.1 Resolved: That these be accepted as minutes of the meeting. 

5. Clerk’s Report on matters outstanding from 4 September 2024 meeting: 
5.1 Re: 8.5 The Black Cat school buses have stopped using Dycote Lane. Leadenham Parish Council had no comments to add. 
5.2 Re: 9.5 LCC Highways have stated that current policy is not to install mirrors under any circumstances. 
5.3 Re: 9.8 Instructions have been issued to a handyman to fill in the gaps using suitable fallen tree branches. 
5.4 The Parish Clerk has received an enquiry from a villager requesting clarification on the WPC’s and the Village Hall & Playing Field’s Committee’s insuring responsibilities. An explanation has been provided and acknowledged. 
5.5 Citizens Advice have written requesting a funding donation. 
5.6 Resolved: That no donation be made as service rarely used by villagers. 
5.7 The Welbourn Emergency Plan Co-ordinator has provided the following update on progress:

•    Consulted with other villages in North Kesteven and East Lindsay and considered lessons learned.
•    Registered Welbourn Village with the Lincolnshire Resilience Forum. 
•    Identified flooding, infectious disease and loss of electricity supply as key risks. 
•    Created a baseline version of the Emergency Plan in three different formats. 
•    Reviewed the outcome meeting notes following Storm Babet, 
The next steps are to: 
•    Recruit additional volunteers to help in emergency situations in due course. 
•    Identify where the village has vulnerable people.
•    Provide a leaflet to signpost people.
•    Contact the local Lions Club regarding “Message In a Bottle” kits. 
5.8 Sarah Lingard PCSO has emailed explaining that she is returning to North Kesteven on a temporary secondment. Part of her patch includes that Cliff Villages.
5.9 Sir William Robertson Academy have emailed suggesting a meeting to campaign for a pedestrian crossing. 
5.10 Action Point: Parish Clerk to reply supporting the proposed meeting. 
5.11 The Welbourn Floods Working Group has provided the following update:
•    Lincolnshire County Council (LCC) has been engaging with local partners for short term measures. The most cost-effective improvements involve bringing the drainage system back to their normal working order.
•    LCC hasn’t yet started to engage partners for longer term measures. LCC awaits the report from GeoSmart Information before starting any work on long term solutions. (GeoSmart has been involved in carrying out investigations into properties affected internally by flooding) 

6. Public Forum – Cllr Spedding said he had been asked whether the Parish Council had cover for Employers’ Liability. The Parish Clerk confirmed that this cover is in place. 

7. County and District Councillors update 
7.1 The Councillors had sent their apologies. (Their latest newsletters have been circulated to Parish Councillors.)

8. Current and future maintenance responsibilities
8.1 The holly hedge at the Manor Care Home has been trimmed back. There is no news on the structural stability of the stone wall facing out on to The Green. 
8.2 Cllr Cross expressed concern about the water flow through the moat at Castle Hill. 
8.3 Resolved: That the Parish Council arrange for a handyman to monitor and maintain the flow of water, cut back vegetation impinging on the footbridge and the steps leading to the open amenity space, and periodically clear the grate at the outfall of the village Beck (Pond). 

9. Planning Matters to consider and discuss: 
9.1 Planning Application Reference: 24/0904/HOUS
Proposal: Erection of breeze block structure surrounding a newly installed fuel storage container (retrospective)
Location: 14 The Green Welbourn Lincoln Lincolnshire LN5 0NJ
9.2 Resolved: The blockwork structure is totally out of keeping and contrary to the Design & Character Objectives contained in the Welbourn Neighbourhood Plan. A lower profile tank with a timber fence or trellis screening would be more appropriate. 
9.2 Possible breaches of planning regulations within the Welbourn Conservation Area and Planning Enforcement Notices update. 
9.3 The Parish Council notes that there are two outstanding Planning Enforcement Notices affecting properties in The Green. 
9.4 Notification of Intended Works to Trees in a Conservation Area.
Application reference: 24/1138/TCA. Description of works: T1 - Yew tree - crown reduce in line with red line on image provided.
Location: 7 Beck Street, Welbourn, Lincoln, Lincolnshire, LN5 0LZ
9.5 Resolved: No comment

10. Notifications of Planning Decisions approved by NK Planning: 
10.1 Application Reference: 24/0876/VARCON
Proposal: Application to vary condition 4 (approved plans) of planning permission
16/0458/FUL - Existing 3-bay garage to be modified and extended to create new dwelling with integral double garage and new access off Cow Lane. (Resubmission of application 11/1175/FUL). Detached double garage.
Location: Land Adjacent To Welland House 20 Beck Street Welbourn
10.2  Application Reference: 24/0700/FUL
Proposal: Erection of 1 no. dwelling and demolition of storage building.
Location: Garden Of 31 The Green Welbourn
10.3 Application Reference: 24/0209/HOUS
Proposal: Erection of a carport, canopy and two storey side and rear extension
Location: Chestnut Tree Cottage The Heath Wellingore

11. Finance Report: - From the Responsible Finance Officer (RFO): - To review bank balances, invoices paid since last meeting since, items to be paid before next meeting, and quarter end report: -
11.1 Accounts value (30 September 2024):
HSBC Client A/c 611: £4,169.71
(Forge et al)
HSBC A/c 772: £14,088.71
(For Precept)    HSBC Bmm A/c 638: £21,175.26 (Reserves)
HSBC Business C/A 677: £2000.37
Bank Total: £41,434.05
11.2 Bank reconciled:    £0 discrepancy.
11.3 Payments made since 4 September 2024
•    P.A Ingamells – (£500)
•    E.on – (£172.80)
•    Clerk Pay – (£282.20)
•    RFO Pay – (£352.80)
•    Clerk Pay – (£282.40)
•    RFO Pay – (£352.80)
•    B North – (£395)    •    Total Gas & Power – (£17.33)
•    BT Group – (£65.82)
•    Bank Charges – (£8.00)
•    HMRC PAY/NIC – (£70.43)
•    HMRC PAY/NIC – (£70.60)
•    G W King & Sons – (£350)
•    LALC – (£36)

11.4 Payments received since last meeting: 
11.5 Expected payments within the next meeting (13 November 2024): 
•    RFO Pay – (£352.80)
•    Clerk Pay – (£352.80)    •    PKF – (External auditors, no additional fees) - (£378)

11.6 Quarter End Report – Quarter 2




Percentage Difference






2% Over


Grass cutting:




58% Over

Time of year – more cuts in the summer

General maintenance:




67% Under

Larger scale maintenance planned for other quarters





110% Over

Annual expense





57% Under

Large expense anticipated in quarter 3





11% Over


Clerk & RFO:




17% Under

Minor office expenses, first half of the year (Wages increase overtime)

Village hall:





167% Over

Wilkin Chapman fees

Community projects:




109% Over

Phone box refurbishment 

£1,054.04 Spent on FCC project, this is a capital expense and has not been included in the comparison

11.7 AGAR - Completion Statement Reports. The RFO read out the contents of the AGAR completion Reports and answered Councillors’ questions. These reports will be posted on the Welbourn Parish Council website and Noticeboard. 
11.8 Resolved: That items 11.1 – 11.7 be noted and approved. 

12. To agree and adopt an addition to the Health and Safety Policy for Welbourn Parish Council.
12.1 Cllr. Spedding presented a proposed addition to the Health and Safety Policy concerning Organisation and Responsibilities and answered queries concerning this. 
12.2 Resolved: That this addition to the Health and Safety policy be adopted by the Parish Council with immediate effect and be posted on the Parish Council website. 

13. To agree to apply for the litter picking grant offered by NKDC. 
13.1 Resolved: That an application for the grant be made. 

14. To agree meeting dates for 2025. 
14.2 Resolved: That the meetings should take place on the second Wednesday of each month (excluding August and December) and commence at 7.30 pm. The dates for 2025 be as follows: 
8 January
12 February
12 March    9 April
14 May
11 June     9 July 
10 September
8 October 
12 November

15. Portfolio Holders Updates; 
15.1 Cllr. Ralph has had a meeting with the Parish Clerk and received a briefing on drainage issues affecting the village. 
15.2 Cllr. Troy will be meeting with George Kane to help with the Emergency Plan. 
15.3 Cllr. Spedding said that the information boards at Castle Hill need replacing. He requested that a commemorative wreath be purchased by the Parish Council to mark Remembrance Sunday. 
15.4 Resolved: That the purchase of a suitable wreath be approved. 
15.5 Cllr Stark said that the performance reviews for officers will take place prior to the next meeting. 
15.6 Cllr. Cross asked Councillors to consider suitable projects for the Welbourn Forge. 

16. Agenda items for the next meeting: Budget for 2025-26; Emergency Plan update. 

Signed ……………………………………………….  Date…………………………….

Meeting closed at 9.10 pm. 
Next meeting:
Wednesday 13 November 2024
Copies to: Parish Councillors, County & District Councillors, Parish Council Web Site.


Portfolio 1

Portfolio 2 (& 3)

Robert Cross


Cliff Cluster Group Rep

Stephen Short

Planning & Finance Cttee

Human Resources Cttee (& VH Rep)

Harriet Huntsman

Finance Cttee


Katie Stark

Human Resources Cttee

Communications (& Planning)

Steve Ralph



Michael Bighi

Schools Liaison

Nature and Environment

Steve Spedding

Castle Hill

Community Safety & Resilience

Mark Crosby


Village Hall Rep

Louise Troy

Health & Welfare