January 2019 Minutes

Minutes Of The Meeting Of Welbourn Parish Council Held On Wednesday 9th January 2019 In Welbourn Village Hall At 7.30pm


Present Councillors Mr. Robert Cross (MC) Chairman Mr. John Storer (RS)

Mr. Stephen Spedding (SSg) Mrs. Maureen Lunn (ML) Mr. Stephen Short (SS) Mrs. Katie Stark (KS)

Mr. Jake Beaty (JB)

Mr. Robert Gibson (RG) Miss. Harriet Huntsman (HH)

Parish Clerk - Miss Sarah Brown






Chairman’s Welcome

The Chairman Cllr. Robert Cross welcomed everyone to the Meeting.



Public Forum



One parishioner attended the public forum and asked to speak about item 11 on the Agenda.



He explained that no delivery drivers could seem to find his property on The Green. He asked if we could get a set of arrows to place on the wall to show that you need to turn left to get to Dycote Lane at the sign. And that The Green runs both to the left and to the right of the street sign which is on the stone wall, so place arrows either side of The Green sign.



He explained that not all properties on The Green have a number some only had a name, so you couldn’t rely on Google maps to pin point the property and that he was happy to cover the cost if it was a reasonable amount.



The Parish Council had a look at the electoral roll and saw he was right that some properties did not have numbers.



The Parish Council decided that he could try the arrows out and see if it helped sort out the problem if the owners of the wall which the sign is attached too didn’t object.



The Clerk was asked to contact the wall’s owners and then report back to the Parishioner whether permission was given or not to go ahead.



Acceptance of reasons for absence



There were no reasons for absence.


Declarations of interest



There were no declarations of interest.


Minutes of the previous meeting.



The Notes of the previous meeting held on the 14th November 2018, copies of which had been circulated previously to members, were accepted as Minutes. The Chairman duly signed the minutes.



Police update



A crime contract has been logged by police looking into the damage to graves at St Chads

Church yard, Welbourn over the last year.



District and County matters.



Both the District Councilor and the County Councilor sent their apologies as they were unable to attend tonight.



Clerk’s report. Appendix A



The Clerk verbally gave her report.



The Clerk was then asked when in contact with Highways could she request that the horse chestnut tree on Jubilee Green is re-inspected. It is believed the fungus has spread further since new fruiting bodies are appearing on limbs previously clear.



Another tree on Bell Green needs reporting/inspecting at the same time as children often climb in it and some of the branches have splits/scaring in the bark which need checking.



The Clerk was also asked to get details from NKDC regarding the process and timings for the upcoming elections in May 2019.



The Clerk was asked to chase up the enquiry to the enforcement officers in planning with regard to planning permission for a change of use from residential to business use There were concerns about road safety on the A607 with deliveries now taking place on the road.



Road Safety & crossing the A607 to The Sir William Robertson Academy.



The Clerk was asked to contact the Leadenham Parish Council Clerk to agree to and arrange a combined meeting with representatives from both Parish Councils and Highways, in view of the two fatalities on the A607 recently. To ask how to obtain improved road safety measures on the A607 such as improved lighting, a crossing and to ask for double white lines to stop overtaking in dangerous areas on the road.



Road safety/ Inconsiderate parking in Welbourn Village.



A Parishioner had made a complaint about inconsiderate parking on lanes adjacent to St Chad’s Parish Church. They had raised their concerns that if certain properties need emergency services it would be very difficult, sometimes impossible as parked vehicles blocked roads as they didn’t leave enough passing room for an ambulance or fire engine.



The Parishioner had sent photographs which showed the extent of the parking problem and showed that people were also parking over people’s driveways/access



The Parish Council agreed that parking was a problem in various areas around the village and was partly caused by certain areas being very old and originally designed for horse and cart not the larger cars and lorries driven today. Although some parking was simply making the problem worse than it needed to be, by people not being considerate of other people. The complaint had been seen by all the Parish Councilors prior to the meeting and the PC had been made aware that a complaint had been made.



An announcement had been made in Church on Sunday 30th December 2018, with regard to alternative car parking at the Village Hall Carpark and for those unable to walk that far, the owner of the Old Stables Courtyard had said they have no objection to people parking there



The Parish Council decided to put a reminder to park considerately in the village magazine, asking people to keep off footpaths, grass verges and blocking people’s accesses.



The Clerk was asked to contact local businesses to see if they would be prepared to contribute to some kerbing along North End.



The Clerk was asked to update the Parishioner regarding the outcome of their complaint.



The Clerk was also asked to chase up an enquiry regarding a potential breach in planning. Concerns had been raised about a residential property being used for business purposes and that it could potentially increase the risk of another road traffic accident.



Do we want the fitting of arrows in an outdoor style next to the existing road signs for The Green & Dycote Lane to better clarify their position?

Please see the Public Forum section above, minutes 01.02.00 to 01.02.06.



Village Drainage



The ditch behind the properties in Crosby Lane has overflowed causing flooding to some residents’ gardens. Some residents have cleared their section of ditch however the problem is believed to be caused by the pipe which runs from the ditch under the field directing the water out to further ditches to drain away, being silted up.



The clerk is currently chasing up the drainage report that was compiled by Highways after the village’s drains were jetted clear and cameras used to carry out a survey of the current systems condition.



The Clerk will contact both Highways and the drainage board to clarify whose responsibility the pipe clearance is.






A) Is the Parish Council going to pay the bill to upgrade the security light’s bulbs from Sodium to L.E.D bulbs outside The Village Hall?



As the original Sodium bulbs were in full working order and The Parish Council had not authorized payment for the change, before the lights were changed over, The Parish Council refused to pay.



In future any requests for upgrades/improvements should be agreed with The Parish

Council before work commences.



It had been noted that the L.E.D lights are much brighter and seemed to be on all the time, before the lights were on a timer. Cllr S. Spedding will ask at the next Village Hall Committee meeting if they could be put on a timer again?



The Clerk was asked to get the maintence agreement for the Village Hall signed by the committee.



B) Clerk’s report Appendix B and C – cheques to be paid.




Was agreed and cheques signed



C) To agree on the Parish Council’s Budget and precept rate for 2019/2020.



It was agreed that Cllr Huntsman would go through the accounts before next Wednesday with the Clerk and reconcile with bank statements to check all the figures are correct.



It was also decided that an extraordinary Parish Council Meeting is scheduled for next Wednesday 16th January 2019 at 7.30pm, so enough time could be allocated to discussing the matter thoroughly, before a decision is made.



Application Reference: 18/1647/HOUS



Proposal: Erection of 1st Floor side extension over existing kitchen.



Location: Avondale 56 The Green, Welbourn.



The Parish Council had no objection to the application proposal.



Date for the next meeting and meeting schedule for the coming year:

Wednesday 16th January 2019 at 7.30pm – extraordinary meeting. Item 01.13.10 above. Wednesday 13th February 2019 at 7.30pm

Wednesday 13th March 2019 at 7.30pm Wednesday 10th April 2019 at 7.30pm Wednesday 8th May 2019 at 7.30pm Wednesday 12th June 2019 at 7.30pm

Wednesday 10th July 2019 at 7.30pm



There being no further matters to discuss, the Chairman duly closed the meeting at 8:15pm.

Signed…………………………………………………………… Date……………………………….

Chair, Welbourn Parish Council.


Copies to: District Councillors Mrs. M Overton. Mrs. C. Mills. All Parish Councillors Parish Website.