November 2019 Minutes

Minutes Of The Meeting Of Welbourn Parish Council Held On Wednesday 13th November 2019 In Welbourn Village Hall At 7.30 pm



Mr. Robert Cross (RC) Chairman

Mr. John Storer (RS)

Mrs. Katie Stark (KS)

Mr. Brian Percy (BP)

Mr. Jake Beaty (JB)

Parish Clerk - Miss Sarah Brown


11.01.00         Chairman’s Welcome

11.01.01         The Chairman, Councillor Robert Cross, welcomed everyone to the meeting.


11.02.00         Drainage in the Parish

11.02.01        With the recent heavy rains in the village, drainage issues had come to light. Outside the Forge on The Green were the road meets both The High Street and Crosby Lane the road had flooded due to water coming up through the roads surface outside The bungalow 6 The Green, and across the road near the telegraph pole and further up towards the chestnut tree through the road.

11.02.02        Anglian Water have already checked the site to rule out a leak from the mains and the area has been reported to Highways for both the large potholes and the drainage issue which is believed to be caused by a collapsed drain. The water had been directed to the nearest working drains using sandbags as three houses had already had their gardens flooded, one had water access their garage and it was becoming a risk to all three houses.

11.02.03        Both residents and the clerk had contacted highways asking for barriers, lights and cones to warn of danger to traffic, caused by the potholes in the road surface the sandbags and to protect vehicles and pedestrians when the drain grate was lifted to increase the speed the water was carried away from the area.

11.02.04        On the A607 the drains were unable to cope with the rainfall outside the Coach House, drains were blocked which although previously reported numerous times had not been fixed. The water then had to be stopped from entering The Coach House using sandbags as a barrier although water did still enter the Farm House behind and the surplus water then ran down the footpath next to Orchard House entering The Green across the road from No 32 causing flooding risk to the four houses in that terrace, and flooding the bungalow Suslyn’s garden.

11.02.05        A resident suggested a Village Assistance Network so volunteers could be rung in cases of emergency like localized flooding to help clear drain covers and sweep/pump water away from properties.

11.02.06        Cllr K Stark is going to put an advert in the Three Villages and a Hamlet magazine for people to come forward to go on the Village Assistance Network list by contacting the Clerk. A map of the drains network will also be put in the magazine with a piece explaining the importance of drain covers, ditches and dykes to be kept clear to reduce/stop flooding.

11.02.07        A meeting between The Parish Council and the Senior Maintenance Design Technician has been arranged with Highways on Monday 18th November am to highlight problems and make sure that the problems are prioritized accordingly.

11.02.08         1/ The Parish Council is to ask for the drain near the Old Co-op/Forge to be fixed, and fix the drainage down Dycote Lane, Mill Hill, Hall Lane and previously reported blocked drains om the A607 .

2/ Re-surface roads in the village.

3/ Create a bund over the other side of the A607 at the south of the village to prevent water flooding into residential areas.

The Witham Internal Drainage Boards have also been contacted to help deal with the issue.


11.03.00        Public Forum

11.03.01         Seven members of the public were present for the meeting.              


11.04.00        Acceptance of Reasons for Absence.

11.04.01         Apologies received and accepted from Cllr M Lunn, Cllr S Short, Cllr J Smith and Cllr H Huntsman.     


11.05.00        Declarations of Interest.

11.05.01         No interests to declare.


11.06.00         Notes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 9th October 2019 to be approved as minutes.

11.06.01         The Notes of the previous meeting held on 11th September 2019, copies of which had been circulated previously to members, were accepted as Minutes.

11.06.02         Proposed by Cllr R Cross and seconded by Cllr R Storer.        

11.06.03         The chairman duly signed the minutes.        


11.07.00         Matters arising       

11.07.01         The VAT claim is being dealt with.  

11.07.02         Two more heating control covers are still to be fitted in the Village Hall.        

11.07.03         Allotments are still to be cleared but there has been too much rain.


11.08.00         Police update          

11.08.01         No update.

11.08.02         A villager reported a break in, in the last 24hrs.        


11.09.00         District and County matters.            

11.09.01         No District or County Councilors were able to attend this meeting.  


11.10.00         Portfolio holders’ update/reports.

11.10.01         Cllr R Cross reported on the Cliff Cluster meeting he attended.         

The S.P.I.D (Speed indicator Device) has been delivered to the Cliff Cluster and was able to be seen at their meeting, it became apparent that due to its size it may need two people to lift and fit it into position.    

11.10.02         The Clerk was asked to find out when Welbourn is scheduled to have their turn using the S.P.I.D.


11.11.00         Verges/Parking in Little Lane & The Nookin.             

11.11.01         Highways have come out and trimmed the verge back so that the manhole covers are not     covered in grass but advised they would not trim them back beyond this point due to soil erosion.         

11.11.02         Vehicles are still both parking and turning on the grass verges down The Nookin. Lorries turning are doing the most damage to the grass verges.          

11.11.03         The Clerk was asked to contact District Cllr M Overton for an update from the District Council regarding getting bollards on North End/The Nookin to stop the grass verges getting damaged.


11.12.00         Village Street light upgrade schedule.         

11.12.01         The streetlight on Beck Street near the shop had been reported faulty last month to our maintenance contractors. They had been out and replaced both the fuse and the bulb, but they blew as soon as it was switched back on. We were informed that the streetlight was one of the old-style lights which use more electricity and asked if we wanted to             replace it with the new style 19watt Eco LED lantern which would cost £350+VAT.

11.12.02         Cllr R Cross proposed we get the light outside the shop upgraded and was seconded by Cllr J Beaty.

11.12.03         The Parish Council carried forward the proposal.

11.12.04         Due to resident’s requests for the missing streetlight on The Green directly outside the old Co-op to be replaced. The Clerk had been quoted £905+VAT to install a new street- light there.

11.12.05         Cllr R Cross proposed we fit a new streetlight on The Green, seconded by Cllr J Beaty. 11.12.06            The Parish Council carried forward the proposal.              


11.13.00         NKDC Litter Picking Grant. 

11.13.01         The Clerk confirmed that we had been awarded the Grant and had received the sum of £153.51 which is currently held in our Client Account (holds Grant monies).

11.13.02         Cllr K Stark proposed we buy a bigger rubbish bin to be placed at the bus stop on Beck Street as the current one often overflows and for two new cigarette butt bins to put up on The Village Hall as the existing ones are damaged, Cllr B Percy seconded her proposal.  

11.13.03         The Parish Council carried forward the proposal.     


11.14.00         Village Hall maintence schedule.   

11.14.01         The guttering needs fixing it was agreed the clerk should contact the contractor who fitted the new fencing around Castle Hill to get it mended.

11.14.02         Someone has smashed one of the manhole covers and damaged the frame and surrounding concrete which is between the women’s changing room door and the store cupboard door.

11.14.03         The recycling bin has been placed over the hole so no one can fall in and hazard tape has been fastened from the metal railings each side to keep people away and safe.

11.14.04         It was agreed the Clerk can purchase the materials and Cllr R Cross will carry out the repair himself.


11.15.00         Defibrillator box lighting    

11.15.01         One again the defibrillator box light has stopped working. It is believed the bulb is on all the time so are simply burning out through excessive use. 

11.15.02         We have been quoted for a new L.E.D light with a sensor which should solve this       reoccurring problem.

11.15.03         Cllr K Stark proposed a new LED light and light sensor be fitted and Cllr R Cross seconded her proposal.      

11.15.04         The Parish Council carried forward the proposal.


11.16.00         Planning Application Reference 19/1158/HOUS      

11.16.01         Proposal: Erection of two storey rear extension and detached car port to front.         

Location: Willow Farmhouse, Lowfields, Welbourn, Lincoln, Lincolnshire       

11.16.02         The Parish Council will register no objections with NKDC Planning department.         


11.17.00         Clerks report.          

11.17.01         The Clerk has chased up the two blocked drains in Manor Close, NKDC have agreed to send a jetter team out to the one inside the gateway. The Clerk is still trying to get confirmation off Highways regarding the second blocked drain which is the High Street side of Manor Close gateway.

11.17.02         NKDC have agreed to send out both a road sweeper and a team to clear leaves as they are a slipping hazard on the paths and on the road, they block drain grates and worse flooding/drainage issues.  

The Clerk asks for patience as there is 16 villages on the list for this job to be carried out registered before Welbourn.

11.17.03         The Clerk would like to remind everyone that leaves are a constant problem and if you own a tree or simply want to help others in the community, please clear up the fallen leaves and watch out for debris blocking drain grates and drainage ditches.


11.18.00         Appendix B and C – cheques paid and cheques to be paid.

11.18.01         Accepted and signed.


11.19.00         Dates for future meetings

No meeting December 2019.

(Currently) Wednesday 8th January 2019 at 7.30pm

Wednesday 13th February 2019 at 7.30pm

Wednesday 11th March 2019 at 7.30pm

Wednesday 8th April 2019 at 7.30pm       


There being no further matters to discuss, the Chairman duly closed the meeting at 9.13pm.


Signed…………………………………………………………… Date…………………………

Chair, Welbourn Parish Council.


Copies to: District Councillors Mrs. M Overton. Mrs. L Hagues All Parish Councillors Parish Website


Appendix B & Appendix C Welbourn Parish Council - Parish Council Meeting 13th November 2019


Financial Input and Output report since the last Parish Council Meeting on 9th October 2019 Appendix B

Balances as at 08.11.2019: BMM account £12,463.60 Community account £ 2605.24 Client account £ 3,122.21 Deposit account £2326.28 Building Society account £8587.18

Accounts authorised and paid since the last meeting

Invoice Date


Item In




Item Out

Invoice value



Total invoice value


Date paid


Castle Hill fencing











£ 1,400.00



Financial Input and Output report since the last Parish Council Meeting on 9th October 2019 Appendix C

Accounts to be authorised and paid

Invoice Date


Item INn




Item Out

Invoice value



Total invoice value


Date paid


Remembrance Day Poppy Wreath







G W King (Churchyard grass cutting)







Staff Costs







£ 509.16


£ 509.16