December 2019 Minutes

Minutes Of The Meeting Of Welbourn Parish Council

Held On Wednesday 11th December 2019 In Welbourn Village Hall At 7.30 pm



Mr. Robert Cross (RC) Chairman

Mr. John Storer (RS)

Mrs. Katie Stark (KS)

Mr. Brian Percy (BP)

Mr. Jake Beaty (JB)

Mr. Stephen Short (SS)

Parish Clerk - Miss Sarah Brown


12.01.00               Chairman’s Welcome

12.01.01               The Chairman, Councillor Robert Cross, welcomed everyone to the meeting.


12.02.00              Public Forum

12.02.01               No members of the public were present for the meeting.             


12.03.00              Acceptance of Reasons for Absence

12.03.01               Apologies received and accepted from Cllr M Lunn, and Cllr H Huntsman.              


12.04.00              Declarations of Interest.

12.04.01               No interests to declare.


12.05.00               Notes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 13th November 2019 to be approved as minutes.

12.05.01               The Notes of the previous meeting held on 13th November 2019, copies of which had been circulated previously to members, were accepted as Minutes.        

12.05.02               Proposed by Cllr R Storer and seconded by Cllr B Percy. 

12.05.03               The chairman duly signed the minutes. 


12.06.00               Police update.  

12.06.01               We have been informed that police update/crime reports will no longer be sent directly to the Parish Council and we are to look on for the crime map of Cliff Villages for information ourselves.            


12.07.00               District and County matters.      

12.07.01               Cllr L Hagues said as we are in the pre-election period there was not much to report.       

12.07.02               The Parish Council asked Cllr L. Hagues to investigate what action is being taken by NKDC or the Police regarding the dangerous dog in the village. The Clerk has already been in touch with NKDC and after initially being told the dog would be accessed by NKDC was later told that it is not a matter for NKDC but a matter for the police.     

12.07.03               As a Parish Council we are extremely concerned that a dog in the village has killed a parishioner’s dog and has attacked others, as is known to have been loose in the village and is not always muzzled. The dog lives near the pre-school (in one of NKDC’s properties) and has already been seen in the pre-school garden (which is also owned by NKDC). We would like action to be taken as soon as possible.

12.07.04               Cllr L Hagues agreed to investigate the matter.

12.07.05               An email had been sent around the Parish Councillors from LALC asking that Parish Councils vote for three people in the NALC’s smaller Councils Committee direct Election.  

12.07.06               Cllr R Storer proposed we vote for Jeremy Burton, Stephen Rickett, Lydia Smithson, Councillor R Cross seconded the proposal, the motion was carried.


12.08.00               Portfolio holders’ update/reports.

12.08.01              Cllr B Percy reported that the gate from Castle Hill’s causeway was often being left open. He proposed a sign to say please close the gate was put on the gate, all the councillors agreed.

12.08.02               Cllr J Beaty reported that although the parishioner who was running the “Dig for Macmillion” had moved out the parish, he intends to clear the allotments he has used and remove his property before the end of his allotment tenancy agreement and return the villages water pump.

12.08.03               Cllr S Short reported that the Village Hall Committee have a meeting on Saturday 15th December 2019 at 11am with Wickstead to review the slide and to try and come to an agreement so all parties would be happy with the installation.

12.08.04               Cllr R Cross reported that a meeting is planned with Leadenham Parish Council and Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership and when a date is decided he will inform the council so those available to attend can do so.

12.08.05               Cllr R Cross also reported that the S.P.I.D had been ordered and that the Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership had agreed to all the positions we had request to put the S.P.I.D apart from the spot on the A607 outside Sir William Robinson Academy. 


12.09.00              Planning

12.09.01              Application Reference 19/1158/HOUS Decision notice

12.09.02               Approved.

Proposal: Erection of two storey rear extension and detached car port to front. Location: Willow Farmhouse, Lowfields, Welbourn, Lincoln, Lincolnshire

12.09.03               Application Reference: 19/1659/TPO

Description of works: T1 Sycamore – reduce lowest limb of southern canopy from 11m- 7m and the lowest limbs on the eastern canopy from 10.5- 6m.

Location: Sycamore Lodge, 7 Castle Hill, Welbourn, Lincoln, Lincolnshire LN5 0 NF

The Parish Council will respond the PC has no objections to the work applied for in this application.

12.09.04               Application Reference: 19/1701/TCA

Description of works: Conifers on boundary of right-hand side of house – reduce in height 6ft.

Location: 26 The Green, Welbourn, Lincoln, Lincolnshire LN5 0NJ

The Parish Council will respond that it has no objection to the work applied for in this application. 


12.10.00              To agree on a response to Central Lincolnshire Local Plan- Village fact check.

12.10.01              It was agreed to point out the quality of the map made it unclear and difficult to decipher.

12.10.02              The map appeared to show two cemeteries in the village whereas there is only one graveyard in the Church’s grounds.

12.10.03              We believed the number for “Amount of growth from 2017 Plan” was 39 but it was 45 on the Central Lincolnshire local Plan. We would like to know where the number 45 came from.

12.10.04               The Clerk was asked to put updating the Neighbourhood plan on January’s Agenda.        


12.11.00               Clerks report.

12.11.01 Highways confirmed the second blocked drain which is the High Street side of Manor Close gateway is their responsibility and will clear it when they have a team scheduled to work in the village.

12.11.02             The clerk reported that Anglian water had taken responsibility for the manhole cover on the allotment track and would replace it in the next 48 hours.                                                                                                     


12.12.00               Finance

12.12.01              Appendix B and C – cheques paid and cheques to be paid

Accepted and signed.

12.12.02               To plan budget for 2020.

The Parish Council looked at the current spending up to date.                                                                         

12.12.03              The Parish Council discussed the options on spending and how each would effect a need to increase the current precept rate, The Parish Council had the option of not increasing the precept but then only regular village maintenance would take place and no improvements to village facilities could be afforded.

12.12.04              The PC decided to defer its decision to consider all options before setting a budget and precept request at the January 2020 meeting

The Clerk was asked to send a copy of last year’s accounts, the total figure spent to date, the forecast for this year’s total spend, details of any projected surplus, the total amount in reserves and any emergency requirements?     


12.13.00               Dates for future meetings

Wednesday 8th January 2020 at 7.30pm

Wednesday 12th February 2020 at 7.30pm

Wednesday 11th March 2020 at 7.30pm

Wednesday 8th April 2020 at 7.30pm                                                                                                                           


There being no further matters to discuss, the Chairman duly closed the meeting at 9.15pm.


Signed…………………………………………………………… Date…………………………

Chair, Welbourn Parish Council.


Copies to: District Councillors Mrs. M Overton. Mrs. L Hagues All Parish Councillors Parish Website