January 2020 Minutes

Notes Of The Meeting Of Welbourn Parish Council Held On Wednesday 8th January 2020 In Welbourn Village Hall At 7.30pm



Mr. Robert Cross (RC) Chairman

Mr. John Storer (RS)

Mrs. Katie Stark (KS)

Mrs. Maureen Lunn (ML)

Mr. Jake Beaty (JB)

Mr. Stephen Short (SS)

Parish Clerk - Miss Sarah Brown                                                                                                                 


01.01.00           Chairman’s Welcome

01.01.01           The Chairman, Councillor Robert Cross, welcomed everyone to the meeting


01.02.00          Public Forum

01.02.01          One member of the public was present for the meeting.

01.02.02          He raised concern regarding flooding because in the last two years every time it has rained heavily his garden floods.  He is worried that when the current damage to the drains on The Green is fixed, the flow of water will increase in volume causing gardens and houses to flood. Until recently this had not been a problem because the water had “backed up” further up the drainage system.

01.02.03          The Clerk was already aware of the potential problem and had meet with the Compliance & Enforcement Officer from Witham & Humber Drainage Board that morning on site to get advice on any possible solutions.  She was advised that the current pipe which fed water out of the ditch behind Crosby Lane under the field was a third of the size that would normally be installed today.  It was noted that there was no weed screen/grate to prevent debris from entering the pipe and causing a blockage.  Although the pipe was currently flowing freely and was showing no sign of an obstruction and there was visible evidence that any built-up silt had been flushed through the pipe by the high pressure of the water when levels were high in the ditch feeding the pipe.  The Compliance & Enforcement Officer said he would write to the owner of the pipe to advise them that a larger pipe was needed and that he would recommend an angled grate be fitted.

01.02.04          The Chairman assured the parishioner that the Parish Council would continue to liaise with all parties involved and try to come to a solution to prevent further flooding.

01.02.05          The Chairman had received an email prior to the meeting from a parishioner questioning the accuracy of the minute 11.11.01 in November’s minutes.

01.02.06          After looking at the minute and discussing it, it was decided that it was written in a way which could be misleading and that it would be better re-worded to clarify what had happened. 

It was proposed by Cllr K Stark that the Clerk to amend the November 2019 minutes to read “Highways attended, advised what work needed to be done and the work was carried out.” this would be done in accordance with correct legal procedure. Advice would be sought from LALC (Lincolnshire Association of Local Councils).  Cllr S Short seconded the proposal, the motion was carried.        


01.03.00          Acceptance of Reasons for Absence.

01.03.01          Apologies received and accepted from Cllr B Percy, and Cllr H Huntsman.

01.04.00          Declarations of Interest.

01.04.01          No interests to declare.


01.05.00          Notes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 11th December 2019 to be approved as minutes.

01.05.01          The Notes of the previous meeting held on 11th December 2019, copies of which had been circulated previously to members, were accepted as Minutes.

01.05.02          Proposed by Cllr M Lunn and seconded by Cllr K Stark.

01.05.03          The chairman duly signed the minutes.


01.06.00          Police update.

01.06.01          As we were previously informed that police update/crime reports will no longer be sent directly to the Parish Council.  The Clerk looked on www.police.uk for the crime map of Cliff Villages for information ourselves, seeing that it was last updated in November with one burglary in the Parish.


01.07.00          District and County matters.

01.07.01          District Councillor L Hagues sent her apologies for being unable to attend tonight’s meeting.

01.07.02          Cllr M Overton reported that we are in budget season and has met with Highways as they are prioritizing some longer-term projects.  She has requested Cow Lane, Mill Lane, Moat Lane, Hall Lane are resurfaced.

01.07.03          The Parish Council asked her to request work on three sections of The Green and on The High Street.

01.07.04          Cllr M Overton reported we have Debbie Barnes as the new CEO of the County Council and a new Director of Commercial Activities.

01.07.05          Funding for adult care is being worked on, and if anyone is concerned about a resident not getting care they need they are advised to phone Lincolnshire County Council Adult care 01522 782151, so a free assessment can be carried out.  


01.08.00          Portfolio holders’ update/reports.

01.08.01          Cllr S Short reported that the Village Hall Committee had a very constructive meeting with Wickstead, who have committed to putting the slide mound right hopefully before Easter (weather permitting), without any extra charge to the Village Hall Committee.


01.09.00          Update on Highways & Flooding in Welbourn.

01.09.01          Please refer to 01.02.01 to 01.02.03 in the Public forum.

01.09.02          The Clerk has emailed Highways to ask them for a work scheduled for the repair work to the drains and the roads affected by water damage in the village but is still waiting for a reply.          


01.10.00          Planning Application Reference 19/1751/LDEX

Proposal: Application for a lawful development for an existing dwelling.

Location: The Lodge, Holmes Close, Main Road, Welbourn, Lincoln, Lincolnshire

01.10.01          The Parish Council will respond the PC is aware that the office/bungalow has been a dwelling for a number of years.  The PC is not in agreement that the adjacent land to the right is residential, it has been used as industrial land.

01.10.02          Planning Application Reference: 19/1717/HOUS

Proposal: Erection of 2 storey rear extension, front porch and timber framed car port.

Location: Hillside Cottage, Main Road, Welbourn, Lincoln, Lincolnshire LN5 0QJ

01.10.03          The Parish Council will respond the PC has no objections to the work applied for in this application on the condition the septic tank is upgraded.

01.10.04          Application Reference: 19/0808/FUL

Proposal: Erection of unit for holiday accommodation.

Location: Hilltop Farm, Soggin Lane, Welbourn, Lincoln, Lincolnshire LN5 0QH

01.10.05          The Parish Council will respond that it has no further comments, from the comments made regarding this application when it was received last year.    


01.11.00          Co-option of Parish Councillor adverts/procedure.

01.11.01          Welbourn Parish Council has been notified in writing by NKDC’s Returning Officer that we can fill the vacancy on the Parish Council through co-option.

01.11.02          It was decided to advertise on both the Parish Council Website, and Nextdoor website as well as put a advert on the Parish Council Notice board calling for applicants to either attend the next Parish Council meeting in February or to contact the Clerk before the meeting to register their interest.


01.12.00          To discuss when The Neighbourhood Plan needs updating?

01.12.01          It was felt that it would be desirable to update the Welbourn Neighbourhood Plan, however we need to understand the scope of the work and we would need to form a committee and have a chair.

01.12.02          It was decided the Cllr K Stark would put an advert in the local Parish magazine to see if anyone would be interested in coming forward to join the committee.      


01.13.00          Clerks report.

01.13.01          Please see Public Forum minutes 01.02.01 to 01.02.03        


01.14.00          Finance

01.14.01          a) Appendix B and C – cheques paid and cheques to be paid.

01.14.02          Accepted and signed.

01.14.03          b) To agree on paying BT by direct debit and sign paperwork.

Cllr R Cross proposed he and Cllr M Lunn signed the direct debit form for BT, Cllr J Beaty seconded the proposal, so the motion was carried.

01.14.04          c) To plan budget for 2020/21

The Chairman, Cllr R Storer and the Clerk had each prepared budget proposal for the next financial year based on previous years expenditure and any upcoming project costs. 

After discussing the three budgets the Clerk was asked to add a column to the 2020/21 accounts sheet to assist financial management by allowing the expenditure to be compared alongside the monthly budget and against the total cost spent up to date.

01.14.05          d) To agree on the precept for 2020.

The Parish Council agreed to put up the precept to £22K to cover the agreed budget.  Cllr S Short proposed the precept was set at £22K and Cllr K Stark seconded the proposal, the motion was carried.      


01.15.00          Dates for future meetings

Wednesday 12th February 2020 at 7.30pm

Wednesday 11th March 2020 at 7.30pm

Wednesday 8th April 2020 at 7.30pm                                                                                                 

There being no further matters to discuss, the Chairman duly closed the meeting at 9.30pm.


Signed…………………………………………………………… Date…………………………

Chair, Welbourn Parish Council.


Copies to: District Councillors Mrs. M Overton.  Mrs. L Hagues    All Parish Councillors   Parish Website