October 2020 Minutes
Councilliors -
Mr. Robert Cross (RC) Chairman
Mr. John Storer (RS)
Mrs. Katie Stark (KS)
Mr. Stephen Short (SS)
Mrs. Maureen Lunn (ML)
Mr. Jake Beaty (JB)
Mr. Chris Dixon (CD)
District Councillior - Mrs. Lucille Hagues
County Councillior - Mrs. Marianne Overton
Parish Clerk - Miss. Sarah Brown
01.10.00 Chairman’s Welcome
01.10.01 The Chairman welcomed everyone to the Zoom meeting.
02.10.00 Public Form
02.10.01 No parishioners had contacted with items for the public forum.
03.10.00 Acceptance of reasons for absence.
03.10.01 No apologies received.
04.10.00 Declaration of interest.
04.10.01 No interests to declare.
05.10.00 Notes of the Zoom Parish Council meeting held on the 16th September 2020 to be Approved as minutes.
05.10.01 The notes of the previous meeting held on the 16th September 2020, copies of which had been circulated previously to members, were accepted as Minutes.
05.10.02 Proposed by Cllr. S Short and seconded by Cllr. K Stark.
05.10.03 The chairman will sign the minutes.
Action: RC
06.10.00 Matters arising.
06.10.01 The Environment Agency have told the parish Council that the village pond does not fall Into their jurisdiction.
06.10.02 Anglian Water have tested water from the pond and no ammonia was detected.
Anglian Water also applied dye to the sewers to test for leaks and no dye seeped through.
06.10.03 Cllr J Beaty has contacted an independent company for a quote to investigate the water.
He will report back at the next meeting with the price and work involved.
Action: JB
07.10.00 District and County matters.
07.10.01 Cllr L Hagues had earlier emailed the Parish Council her report to be circulated to the Parish Councilliors in advance. Cllr L Hagues added that NKDC had given instructions that posters from the “Dog Fouling Poster competition” had to be displayed in positions where they do not obstruct footpaths. Posters can only be attached to NKDC owned streetlights and are not to be placed on BT or electric company owned poles.
07.10.02 Cllr L Hagues also warned no standard blood tests are currently available at Doctors Surgeries.
07.10.03 Cllr M Overton reported that she had a meeting at Sir William Robertson Academy with the Head Teacher and The Lincolnshire Road safety Partnership.
The school and Cllr M Overton would like a school crossing person to be employed to improve safety for the students. Although there are over 1000 pupils at present, most travel to school by car or on one of the fifteen buses, so currently the school does not fit the criteria for a crossing.
07.10.04 Currently Highways are improving the signage and road markings outside the school to improve safety for students walking to school.
07.10.05 Cllr M Overton thanked the clerk for keeping everyone informed on the current road works taking place in the village.
07.10.06 Cllr M Overton also thanked Cllr R Storer for all his work on the drainage system in the past, and acknowledged how useful it had been to fix the current problems.
07.10.07 Can everyone keep reporting pot-holes as it is important, resurfacing schedules are partially calculated on the number of repairs being requested on the highways computer system.
07.10.08 Cllr M Overton is trying to get better connections to local councils to be part of the discussions regarding Covid Tiers.
08.10.00 Flooding and road/drainage work- update.
08.10.01 The clerk reported that currently Highways are working on The Green expecting to finish there on Friday 23rd October 2020.
08.10.02 In half-term (Monday 26th October to Friday 30th October) the team will be working outside The Primary School to minimise disruption.
08.10.03 On 4th November 2020 the jetting team will deal with the drains at the bottom of Mill Hill and jet the drain that runs under the road at Byways on the A607 across to the chicken farm.
09.10.00 Does the Parish Council want to comment on any of the Schools Admissions Policy
09.10.01 Cllr R Storer proposed we do not, owing to the schools listed, being out of our catchment area.
09.10.02 Cllr R Cross seconded the proposal.
10.10.00 Does the Parish Council want to comment on the Taxi Consultation?
10.10.01 Cllr R Storer proposed we do not, owing to their not being any taxi firms based in the parish.
10.10.02 Cllr R Cross seconded the proposal.
11.10.00 Village Hall Security Camera.
11.10.01 Cllr M Lunn passed around information regarding what CCTV policies and procedures the Parish Council need to follow to ensure we are legally compliant.
11.10.02 Cllr M Lunn agreed to contact the Lincolnshire County Council to see if they can support and advise.
Action: ML
11.10.03 The Parish Council agreed that although the camera will be kept in position as a deterrent to antisocial behaviour or vandalism, it will not be switched on at present.
12.10.00 Planning- Tree works Application: - 20/1273/TCA
12.10.01 Proposal: T1-mature Cracked Williow- has been previously pollarded. Pollard tree & new pollard points broadly in line with red line on ‘images’ allowing for the formation of new knuckles. To manage size of tree, simplify future maintenance reduce shading & to reduce risk of damage caused by fracturing of branches characteristic of this Species.
12.10.02 T2-Immature Yew - Fell to stump level, due to low amenity value.
12.10.03 Location: - 9 Beck Street, Welbourn.
12.10.04 No objections were raised to the proposed work (20/1273/TCA).
Action: CLERK
12.10.05 Tree works Application: - 20/1424/TCA
12.10.06 Description of works: T1 Yew – fell
12.10.07 Location: - Rose Cottage, 8 The Nookin, Welbourn
12.10.08 No objections were raised to the proposed work.
Action: CLERK
13.10.00 Clerks report.
13.10.01 The clerk reported she had been in contact with other Cliff Cluster Clerks regarding our turn with the shared S.P.I.D (Speed Indicator Device).
We will be contacted in two weeks to organise a time and date to pick up the S.P.I.D. We will need to purchase some jubilee clips to fix the S.P.I.D’s bracket in place, and download some software onto our computer.
13.10.02 The clerk has emailed The Road Safety Partnership to ask if we can have permission to position the S.P.I.D outside SWRA (Sir William Robertson Academy) on the A607. If not, we will have to put the S.P.I.D on one of the two positions previously authorised down Dycote Lane.
13.10.03 The Litter Picking grant has been approved for payment.
13.10.04 The Parish Laptop has been looked at by a I.T specialist, we were advised that it may be running slowly due to it only having 4 megabytes of RAM and needing it up to 8.
It was tested once upgraded and it still did not improve. The I.T specialist had already checked that programs left running was not the problem on start-up so advised the Parish Council have two options. First is to replace the machine with a new one, which he would advise. Or we could take the computer in for repair which would cost £50 initially for basic diagnosis, £30 plus labour to upgrade RAM. Then the cost of a new disk to replace faulty one.
13.10.05 Since the laptop had been looked at the speakers had stopped working making it impossible to use for this Zoom Parish Council Meeting.
13.10.06 Cllr M Lunn proposed the Clerk purchases a replacement due to the fact the current laptop is beyond economical repair.
13.10.07 Cllr R Storer seconded the proposal. The motion was carried.
13.10.08 The Parish Council agreed that the Clerk should get some quotes and ensure the new laptop is compatible with the printer, scanner and has the most RAM possible.
Ensure the Parish Council gets the best deal and keep proof to demonstrate that, to the maximum of £750.
Action: CLERK
14.10.00 Finances
14.10.01 a) Balances of Accounts
14.10.02 After the balances were given it was agreed that with being halfway through the year, the Parish Council was well under spent.
14.10.03 b) Appendix B and C – payments paid and to be paid.
14.10.04 Cllr M Lunn proposed that all the outstanding invoices on the Appendix B & C are paid.
14.10.05 Cllr S Short seconded the proposal. The Proposal was carried forward.
Action: CLERK
14.10.06 Cllr M Lunn proposed that for the next meeting the payments paid and to be paid, are listed as part of the Agenda due to Appendix B and C, not being of a compatible layout for the new website.
14.10.07 Cllr R Cross seconded the proposal. The motion was carried.
Action: CLERK
14.10.08 The Finance Committee are to hold a half year update meeting which is minuted and reported back to Parish Council.
14.10.09 Cllr R Storer agreed to arrange the update with Cllr H Huntsman and the Clerk and to report back.
Action: RS
15.10.00 Date for next meeting and meeting schedule for the coming year:
To be confirmed due to Covid-19
At present believed to be Zoom meeting Wednesday 11th November 2020 at 7.30pm
There being no further maters to discuss, the Chairman duly closed the meeting at 20:25.