June 2020 MInutes

Minutes Of The Zoom Meeting Of Welbourn Parish Council Held On Wednesday 10th June 2020 In Welbourn Via Zoom At 7.30 pm



Mr. Robert Cross (RC) Chairman

Mr. John Storer (RS)

Mrs. Katie Stark (KS)

Miss. Harriet Huntsman (HH)

Mr. Jake Beaty (JB)

Mr. Stephen Short (SS)

Mrs. M Lunn (ML)

Parish Clerk Miss. Sarah Brown


01.06.00 Public Form

01.06.01 A parishioner raised concerns and would like action taken over the issue of poor mobile signal in the parish.

01.06.02 Cllr R Storer suggested we raise the issue of poor mobile signal with Cllr. M Overton to see if the County Council can help.


02.06.00 Acceptance of Reasons for Absence

02.06.01 Apologies received and accepted from Cllr C Dixon.       


03.06.00 Declarations of interest.

03.06.01 No interests to declare.             


04.06.00 Notes of the Zoom Parish Council meeting held on the 13th May 2020 to be approved a minutes.          

04.06.01 The notes of the previous meeting held on 13th May 2020, copies of which had been      circulated previously to members, were accepted as Minutes.

Proposed by Cllr R. Storer and seconded by Cllr S. Short.                                                                         

The chairman will sign the minutes.

05.06.00 District and County matters.                                                                                                            

05.06.01 Cllr Lucille Hagues emailed the following report.                                                                      

05.06.02 It has been National Walking Month during May, and now we wanted to remind you about Steppiong Out Walks.           

NKDC have 19 different Stepping Out Walks in the District to suit all abilities.                                

You could explore parts of the district that you never knew existed.                                                  

All the walks can be found on the AllTrails app or at Go Explore Lincolnshire app.                        

05.06.03 Click and Tip

From June 1st Household Waste Recycling Centres will be able to accept scrap metal, electrical, and black bagged household waste along with cardboard, glass, garden waste and wood they currently accept.

Please remember to book your slot. Other restrictions on vehicles type, etc apply. ID and proof of address in the county will also be needed.                                                                                                                                 

05.06.04 New Discretionary Fund                                                                                                                      

Small and micro-businesses will be given a boost thanks to the £1m grant fund from                 

Central Goverment.                                                                                                                                                

Following the announcement of a new top-up grant to support those affected by Covid19, the Council will receive a total of £1,035,000 to help businesses in NK to continue trading.

Applications from Monday June 1st.                                                                                                                 

05.06.05 Help For Those In Hardship                                                                                                                

Council tax players receiving support will benefit from further relief thanks to additional funding from Central Goverment.

Goverment has provided our council with £514,957 to help Council Taxpayers struggling during lockdown as a result of Covid19.  

Those of working age who are already receiving Council Tax Support will have the amount they have to pay for the financial year 2020/21 reduced by up to £150- meaning for many of the tax payers entitled to the relief, they will have nothing to pay for this year.                                                                                                                                

05.06.06 Nominate Today                                                                                                                                    

Nominations for our NK Community Champion awards have been extended.                               

In light of the current situation nominations are now being taken up until Friday 31st July.

Due to Covid19, now more than ever we are looking to others for support and have seen many individuals, groups and businesses make a difference to others.

Please spread the word and encourage those in your communities to nominate anyone who has gone above and beyond either in relation to Covid19 or more broadly.

There’s a form on the back of the latest NewsNK.

05.06.07 Wellbeing Lincs updates

4745 The number of people being assisted by Wellbeing Lincs.

The Goverment briefing on May 28th was primarily focused on easing restrictions for individuals in England. This guidance from the Goverment and NHS still stands and you should continue to do so.

06.06.08 Help Is Still Available For Food And Supplies 

If you are a vulnerable person at home who is struggling to get essential supplies- help is at  hand.

Wellbeing Lincs and their partners are working closely with several supermarkets to make life easier for our residents.

Just call 01522 782189 to speak to one of the team.

05.06.09 Contacting Vulnerable Residents North Kesteven

A total of 10,812 letters have been sent to all residents who are over 70, and to those who were identified as vulnerable in other ways. In addition to this, colleagues made phone calls to all who where a telephone number was available. In total 6825 of these were successful. 

46 advised us that they had made contact to agencies for help as a result of NK’s letter.          

71 needed help from the colleague calling them.

45 advised they had accessed and received help prior to NK’s letter.

5 people were still waiting for contact back from the agency they had asked for help.

All the rest did not need any support or already had help from family or neighbours. 

The team are now completing 155 follow up calls to ensure their ongoing needs are being met.

1222 further letters have been sent to households in receipt of Housing Benefit/Universal

Credit where someone in the household is classed as vulnerable.


06.06.00 To consider the request by a Parishioner for the PC to request/apply for Government funds from their £2 billion pound budget for cycle paths/lanes. To use and to extend the current paths by 200metres and creating a route through the village away from the A607. 

06.06.01 When we get some direction from the County Council, we will discuss it further.


07.06.00 To agree on whether to purchase more barley straw, for the pond in front of the Village Hall to help control the algae.

07.06.01 Cllr S. Short proposed we replenished the barley straw in the Village Hall pond for the total

07.06.02 cost of £6. Cllr R. Storer seconded the proposal.

07.06.03 The motion was carried.


08.06.00 To agree on whether to purchase a security camera for the Village Hall. 

08.06.01 The camera units suggested costs £50 and would be inside the Village Hall pointing out a window.

08.06.02 Signs would need putting up advising people that we have CCTV and the I.C.O (Information Commissioner’s Office) would need notifying.

08.06.03 It was suggested that the BT Home Cam would be worth researching. 

08.06.04 Cllr S. Short proposed a budget with a limit of £100 be given to set up CCTV at the Village Hall, Cllr J. Beaty seconded the proposal, the motion was carried. 


09.06.00 NKChampion awards- Does the PC want to nominate anyone, groups, businesses?

09.06.01 After discussion, the Parish Council agreed that we nominate Ms A. Butler in the individual category and the Welbourn Volunteer Group as a group.

09.06.02 Proposed by Cllr R. Storer, Cllr S. Short seconded the proposal, the motion was carried.


10.06.00 Neighbourhood Plan- Do we want to review our Neighbourhood plan?

10.06.01 In principle the Parish Council would like to review it but need to understand what is involved.

10.06.02 Cllr K. Stark to set up a call with Anne-Marie Shepherd and Cllr R. Cross, in order to get further advice.  


11.06.00 Matters arising.

11.06.01 The Clerk was asked to check the conditions regarding the planning granted on Beck Street and check that access to Cow Lane was passed.


12.06.00 Finances.

12.06.01 Balances of accounts.

12.06.02 All the accounts were reviewed by the Councilors, and all approved.                             

12.06.03 The Clerk was asked to contact the LALC (Lincolnshire Association of Local Councils) to see if they can advise on how to get issued a new VAT claim number so the VAT can be reclaimed.

12.06.04 The Clerk was asked to contact the Auditor to audit the Parish Council Accounts for 2019-2020.

12.06.05 Appendix B and C – cheques paid and to be paid. 

12.06.06 Accepted and the Clerk was instructed to pay them all by BACS except for her salary.

12.06.07 Cllr R Storer agreed with the other councilors that the Clerk’s salary should be paid by BACS and agreed to organise the BACS payment himself in order to make sure safeguards are in place to protect both the Clerk and the Parish funds.

12.06.08 Cllr R. Cross proposed, Cllr H. Huntsman seconded, the motion was carried.


13.06.00 Dates for future meetings

Wednesday 08th July 2020 at 7.30pm Zoom Meeting

Wednesday 12th August 2020 at 7.30pm Zoom Meeting

Wednesday 9th September 2020 at 7.30pm Zoom Meeting.  


Signed………………………………………………………… Date Chair, Welbourn Parish Council


Appendix B & Appendix C Welbourn Parish Council - Parish Council Meeting 10th June 2020


Financial Input and Output report since the last Parish Council Meeting on 13th May 2020 Appendix B

Balances as at 05.06.2020: BMM account £17,673.72 Community account £ 1755.02 Client account £ 5,648.81 Deposit account £10,383.49 Building Society account £8882.80

Accounts authorised and paid since the last meeting

Invoice Date

Payment method




Item Out

Invoice value



Total invoice value


Date paid







£ -



Financial Input and Output report since the last Parish Council Meeting on 13th May 2020 Appendix C

Accounts to be authorised and paid

Invoice Date

Payment Method




Item Out

Invoice value



Total invoice value


Date paid





Staff Costs (18th May to 13th June)











D R SHARPE (Grass contractor) 3x cuts & CH inner Bank













G W King & Sons Churchyard grass











E-ON (streetlight Maintence)






Direct Debit


British Telecom






£ 1,358.61


£ 1,384.56