July 2020 MInutes

Minutes Of The Zoom Meeting Of Welbourn Parish Council Held On Wednesday 8th July 2020 In Welbourn Via Zoom At 7.30 pm



Mr. Robert Cross (RC) Chairman

Mr. John Storer (RS)

Mrs. Katie Stark (KS)

Mr. Chris Dixon (CB

Mr. Jake Beaty (JB)

Mr. Stephen Short (SS)

Mrs. M Lunn (ML)

District Councillors - Mrs. Marianne Overton  & Mrs. Lucille Hagues

Parish Clerk  - Miss. Sarah Brown


01.07.00 Chairman’s Welcome

01.07.01 The Chairman welcomed everyone to the Zoom meeting.


02.07.00 Public Form

02.07.01 A parishioner has asked about the wall opposite the telephone box that has collapsed and is blocking the path.  The area has been taped off for safety and it is believed that the owner is in the process of getting it fixed.

02.07.02 The Clerk has been asked to check on progress.

02.07.03 A parishioner has raised the issue of the grass next to the wall on Manor Close across from the pub not being tended to, they have contacted NKDC themselves repeatedly and have not made any progress.

02.07.04 It was agreed we will ask our grass cutting contractor to add this bit on when cutting the verges to clear the weedy area with a strimmer.


03.07.00 Acceptance of Reasons for Absence

03.07.01 Apologies received and accepted from Cllr H. Huntsman.           


04.07.00 Declarations of interest.

04.07.01 No interests to declare. 


05.07.00 Notes of the Zoom Parish Council meeting held on the 10th June 2020 to be approved as minutes.

05.07.01 The notes of the previous meeting held on 10th June 2020, copies of which had been circulated previously to members, were accepted as Minutes.

05.07.02 Proposed by Cllr S. Short and seconded by Cllr R. Storer.

The chairman will sign the minutes.


06.07.00 Matters arising

06.07.01 No matters arising.       


07.07.00 District and County matters.

07.07.01 Cllr Lucille Hagues emailed her report in advance for the Parish Councilors to read before the meeting, nothing to add.

07.07.02 Cllr Marianne Overton acknowledged how good the volunteer scheme has been and said a huge thank you to everyone involved as it has made a big difference to many in the community.  Cllr Overton would like to encourage future volunteers/volunteering operations and will be sending out future communications.

07.07.03 A Highways team will be in the area soon for two weeks, concentrating on minor repairs.  We need to keep reporting potholes etc to highways on their website or on fix my street, to make sure they are dealt with.       


08.07.00 Resurfacing of the bridle way between the A607 and The Green.

08.07.01 Originally the Parish Council was going to purchase road planings and volunteers had said they were going to re-lay the surface, to how it was before the flooding damaged it.

08.07.02 It was decided to get contractor quotes rather than rely on volunteers to carry out the work.

08.07.03 The Clerk was asked to get quotes from at least three people to carry out the work.


09.07.00 Playground opening – when and how are we going to open the play equipment in the village?

09.07.01 Legally we are required to carry out a new risk assessment, even though our current assessment is in date, due to the potential that the equipment could have been damaged while closed.  There is also new equipment (The Slide) which has not been open yet to the public so it will need adding to the risk assessment. The current risk assessment also needs to have Covid-19 adding to it, stating potential risks and how we have addressed them.

09.07.02 The Parish Council asked the Clerk to liaise with the Village Hall Committee to make sure that the risk assessments have been carried out and the relevant notices which are needed are displayed. 

Once the notices are in place and both the Village Hall Committee and the Parish Council have the risk assessment on file then the play equipment can be re-opened to the public.


10.07.00 Neighbourhood Plan- update on the advice given regarding reviewing Welbourn’s current plan.

10.07.01 Cllr katie Stark liaised with NKDC to get a Microsoft Teams meeting between Cllr Robert Cross, Cllr Katie Stark, the clerk from Welbourn Parish Council with Nick Feltham, Principle Officer for Conservation and Heritage at NKDC, Phil Hylton, Central Lincolnshire Plan & Neighbourhood Plan Team at NKDC and Anne Marie Shepherd, Senior Partnership Officer at NKDC on the 30th June 2020.  The aim of the meeting was to better understand the process of reviewing the Neighbourhood Plan and to understand what the Conservation Area review is, why it is happening, and the implications it may have on residents. 

10.07.02 Please see meeting notes for more details.

10.07.03 It was agreed that the Parish Council needs to carry out an internal review of the Neighbourhood plan to see if all the policies still conform with Local Plan Policies?  Do we want to change any of our policies?

10.07.04 The Parish Councilliors agreed to familiarises themselves with policies ready for the August meeting where they will review it.

10.07.05 The Clerk will ensure it keeps Cllr. M Overton and Cllr. L Hagues informed of progress.


11.07.00 Clerks Report

11.07.01 An Internal audit for 2019-2020 has been arranged and will be carried for the same cost as last year £50.00.

11.07.02 The Parish Council will need to review and sign off the accounts on internal audit completion at the August Parish Council meeting.

11.07.03 An email has been received by NKDC informing the Parish Council an enforcement notice has been issued to Greenacres giving a year’s notice, and details on how to appeal.

11.07.04 NKDC had emailed to notify the Parish Council of the Licensing Policy review consultation.

The clerk and the Chairman will review to see if the Parish Council needs to act.


12.07.00 Finances

12.07.01 The Appendix B-C was updated before the meeting as another invoice had been received.  The clerk verbally gave the information and agreed to email the revised Appendix and Finance spreadsheet at the end of the meeting.

12.07.02 Cllr R Storer agreed to pay the clerk’s wages and expenses by Bacs.  The clerk will pay the rest of the invoices by Bacs.         

13.07.00 Dates for future meetings

To Be Confirmed due to Covid-19

Wednesday 12th August 2020 at 7.30pm Zoom Meeting (Normally no meeting)

Wednesday 9th September 2020 at 7.30pm Zoom Meeting.


There being no further matters to discuss, the Chairman duly closed the meeting at 20.21


Signed…………………………………………………………        Date…………………………Chair, Welbourn Parish Council