April 2020 MInutes

Notes Of The Zoom Meeting Of Welbourn Parish Council

(Notes will become Minutes when signed at the next Parish Council Meeting that the Parish Council meet in person not via Zoom)

Held On Wednesday 15th April 2020 In Welbourn Village Hall At 7.30 pm



Mr. Robert Cross (RC) Chairman

Mr. John Storer (RS) Mrs. Katie Stark (KS)

Miss. Harriet Huntsman (HH) Mr. Chris Dixon (CD)

Mr. Jake Beaty (JB) Mr. Stephen Short (SS) Mrs. M Lunn (ML)

District Councillors – Mrs. M Overton (MO)& Mrs. L Hagues (LH)

Parish Clerk - Miss Sarah Brown


01.04.00          Public Forum

01.04.01          No members of the public had emailed or phoned the clerk with any issues as requested on the Agenda.         


02.04.00          Acceptance of Reasons for Absence.                                                                                

02.04.01          No Apologies as full attendance.                                                                                        


03.04.00          Declarations of Interest.                                                                                                        

03.04.01          No interests to declare.                                                                                                          


04.04.00          Approve the Resolution to postpone the Annual Parish Meeting- due to being unable to meet because of Corvid-19.                                                                                                                            

04.04.01          Proposed by Cllr J Beaty and seconded by Cllr R Storer the motion was carried.      

04.04.02          It was also unanimously agreed that Cllr R Cross should remain as The Chair.  


05.04.00          Approve the Resolution to hold future Parish Council Meetings via Zoom- due to being unable to meet because of Corvid-19.

05.04.01          Proposed by Cllr R Cross and seconded by Cllr H Huntsman, the motion was carried.


06.04.00          Agree to amend the Standing Orders and Financial Regulations accordingly, for initially a period of 4 months.         

06.04.01          Proposed by Cllr M Lunn and seconded by Cllr R Storer, the motion was carried.


07.04.00          Resignation of Parish Councillor, details on procedure to fill position.             

07.04.01          Parish Councillor Brian Percy has resigned due to other commitments.             

07.04.02          The Clerk will contact NKDC who will provide a 28-day notice asking if any parishioners want to call for an election.  

07.04.03          If no response is received the Parish Council will then advertise the position and co-opt another councilor.


08.04.00          Grass cutting to agree on contract details for the newly appointed contractor.     

08.04.01          The newly appointed contractor had a trial cut of the village, which all the councilors were happy the quality of the cut.                                                                                                                

08.04.02          The cost of each cut will be set at £200 per cut and will take place approximately once every two weeks through the growing season, depending on weather conditions.                  

08.04.03          Cllr R Storer proposed we accept the contractors quote. Cllr S Short seconded the proposal, the motion was carried.                                                                                      

08.04.04          The contractor will also be asked to help with other maintence such as cutting the bank around Castle Hill and other general maintence over the winter.


09.04.00          Planning                                                                                                                                       

09.04.01          Application Reference: - 20/0354/LBC                                                                               

Proposal: Proposed new car port and associated access                                           

Location: 35 High Street, Welbourn, Lincoln, Lincolnshire LN5 0NH                      

09.04.02          The Parish Council will support this application as it will take cars off the High Street near the junction with Little Lane where access can be difficult in joining onto The High Street due to the narrowness of the road.

09.04.03          Application Reference: - 19/1764/FUL                                                                              

Proposal: Creation of an all-weather facility comprising of a polo arena, conversion of farm building into stables, new fencing, landscaping, lighting scheme, new car parking area. 

Location: - North Hilltop Farmhouse, The Heath, Leadenham LN5 0QF                                          

09.04.04          Welbourn Parish Council have already submitted their objections.                      

09.04.05          District Council are ensuring that the planning committee should be politically balanced.

The government expectation is that planning committee meetings should continue on-line.       

10.04.00               Finances.

10.04.01              1) Balances of accounts.

The Clerk summarised that £3854.00 was left over from last year’s precept after all payments had been made and had been moved into reserves BMM Deposit Account (not including the £2,520.00 which has been moved into the Client account to pay for the Tree work previously agreed in the last financial year April 2019- April 2020 due to be carried out in September 2020).

10.04.02               The bank account summary is: -

Client Account (Grants, Forge & assigned monies) £5,645.49

BMM account (precept only) £20,166.67

BMM Deposit account (Reserves) £10,379.58

Community account (cheque book/payment acc) £2,146.53

Building Society account (Reserves. Acc need notice to withdraw) £8587.18 Cllr R Storer had looked at the bank accounts online and was happy to confirm the Clerks summary.

10.04.03               2) Appendix B and C – cheques paid and to be paid.

10.04.04               Accepted and arrangements made for signatures to be acquired.              


10.04.00               Dates for future meetings

Wednesday 13th May 2020 at 7.30pm

Wednesday 10th June 2020 at 7.30pm

Wednesday 08th July 2020 at 7.30pm                                                                                                              


There being no further matters to discuss, the Chairman duly closed the meeting at 8.28pm.


Signed…………………………………………………………… Date………………………

Chair, Welbourn Parish Council.


Copies to: District Councillors Mrs. M Overton. Mrs. L Hagues All Parish Councillors Parish Website


Appendix B & Appendix C Welbourn Parish Council - Parish Council Meeting 15th April 2020

Financial Input and Output report since the last Parish Council Meeting on 11th March 2020 Appendix B


Balances as at 09.04.2020: BMM account £28,374.84 Community account £ 1009.34 Client account £ 3,125.49 Deposit account £5,828.60 Building Society account £8587.18

Accounts authorised and paid since the last meeting

Invoice Date


Item In




Item Out

Invoice value



Total invoice value


Date paid







£ -



Financial Input and Output report since the last Parish Council Meeting on 11th March 2020 Appendix C

Accounts to be authorised and paid

Invoice Date


Item In




Item OUT

Invoice value



Total invoice value


Date paid




Lincolnshire Association of Local Councils











E-ON (streetlight electricity)









Total Gas & Power (Forge electric)












Staff Costs (9th Mar to 19th Apr)











Expenses-office supplies, Envelopes











£ 1,219.86


£ 1,237.32