January 2021 Minutes


PRESENT Councillors

Mr. Robert Cross (RC) Chairman
Mr. John Storer (RS)
Mr. Stephen Short (SS)
Mrs. Maureen Lunn (ML)
Miss. Harriet Huntsman (HS)
Mrs. Katie Stark (KS)
Mr. Chris Dixon (CD)
Mr Jake Beaty (JB)

District Councillor - Mrs. Lucille Hagues
Parish Clerk - Miss. Sarah Brown

01.01.00 Chairman’s Welcome

01.01.01 The Chairman welcomed everyone to the Zoom meeting.

02.01.00 Public Forum

02.01.01 No parishioners had contacted with items for the public forum.

02.01.02 Mr Kevin Dowling was present see minute 08.01.00.

03.01.00 Acceptance of Reasons for Absence

03.01.01 No apologises for absence.

04.01.00 Declarations of interest.

04.01.01 No interests to declare.

05.01.00 Notes of the Zoom Parish Council meeting held on the 9th December 2020 to be approved as minutes.

05.01.01 The notes of the previous meeting held on the 9th December 2020, copies of which had been circulated previously to members, were accepted as Minutes.

05.01.02 Proposed by Cllr. R Storer and Seconded by Cllr. S Short.

The chairman will sign the minutes.

Action RC

06.01.00 Matters arising.

06.01.01 The Cycle Survey, the clerk to collate responses and fill in on behalf of the Parish Council.

06.01.02 The clerk has submitted the precept request to NKDC.

07.01.00 District and County matters.

07.01.01 Cllr Lucile Hagues read out her written report, which will also be circulated by email to the Parish Councilliors.

08.01.00 To co-opt a new Parish Councillor to fill the current vacancy.

08.01.01 Two parishioners enquired about being co-opted as a Parish Councillor, Mr Kevin Dowling and Mrs Ann Broadbent.

08.01.02 It was agreed that Mr Kevin Dowling would be co-opted after Mrs Ann Broadbent decided not to put herself forward due to not wanting to put the Parish Council in the awkward position of having to vote/choose after finding out another party had applied. Mrs A Broadbent said she will put herself forward at the next election.

09.01.00 Is there adequate provision for Burials at St Chads, due to increased Deaths due to the Covid 19 Virus and natural causation?

09.01.01 A parishioner had asked for this question to be put on the Agenda.

09.01.02 The vicar has confirmed currently there is 3 spaces prepared ready and another 6-10 will be made available as soon as the weather allows for the spoils to be moved.

09.01.03 Another 15-20 spaces will be available as soon as the fenced off area is consecrated (blessed by a Bishop).

09.01.04 Another option would be to over bury, as over 40 graves are over 100yrs old.

09.01.05 Current demand for burials is 3 or 4 a year.

10.01.00 Do we agree with a resident’s request and authorise the request for a new dog waste bin to be installed down The Green? (on the grass next to the conker tree/ pathway through to A607 across from No36)

10.01.01 Due to the normal waste bin being used for dog waste, smelling, attracting flies and being located next to the public bench, Councillor Robert Cross proposed that we use the money from the NKDC grant that the Parish Council received for waste or litter bins be used to buy and fit a new dog waste bin as requested. Cllr R Storer seconded the proposal.

10.01.02 The motion was carried forward.

Action Clerk.

11.01.00 Can a parishioner have permission to metal detect on the communal village playing field area at the back of the village Hall?

11.01.01 The parish Council decided not to give permission due to the potential for the fields drainage system to be damaged, and because of the risk of injury to others if the ground is not levelled off perfectly afterwards.

Action Clerk.

12.01.00 Drainage/Flooding update- what is planned, and what can we do further?

12.01.01 Highways have confirmed a team will be sent to fix the problem on The Green by the end of February 2021.

12.01.02 Highways are currently making plans for the pond on Highways land across from Hall Lane next to the A607 to be extended, to act as a holding area so water does not surge into the system off the hillside and overpower the villages drainage system.

12.01.03 Natasha Gault the Senior Maintenance Design Technician has organised a meeting between herself and Richard Fenwick Lincolnshire County Council Highways manager and Anglian water technicians to confirm who is responsible for what and confirm a repair timetable. The clerk and Cllr R Storer will attend to liaise with all parties and update the Parish Council.

Action Clerk, RS.

13.01.00 The Horse Chestnut on The Green (Highways tree)- does further action need taking?

13.01.01 Concerns have been raised to the Parish Council that the tree is badly diseased and there is a danger of limbs falling off.

13.01.02 The Clerk will inform Highways of our concerns at the site meeting on Friday 15th January 2021.

Action Clerk.

14.01.00 Planning Application

Reference: - 20/1542/HOUS Decision Notice- Approved.
Proposal: Erection of a single storey side extension.
Location: - 13-14 The Nookin, Welbourn, Lincoln, Lincolnshire LN5 0NE.

14.01.01 Planning Application

Reference: - 20/1782/HOUS & 20/1783/LBC
Proposal: - Proposed new car port and associated access.
Location: - 35 The High Street, Welbourn, Lincoln, Lincolnshire LN5 0NH.

14.01.02 The Parish Council have no objections to the applications and support the improvement to reduce congestion on that junction with Little Lane.

Action Clerk

15.01.00 Clerks report.

15.01.01 The Clerk reported that she is concerned about overgrown/blocked ditches. A ditch report will be on the next agenda and presented back to the council.

Action RC, Clerk

15.01.02 Some residents had voiced concern about the sewerage system as water levels had raised in some houses. The residents have made Anglian water aware and it has been reported to highways (part of the village has a combined system which takes both household waste and the roads surface water) the Clerk will try and get clarification as to the cause and any scheduled repair work.

Action Clerk.

16.01.00 Finances

a) Balances of the accounts as of 3rd December 2020

Client 611 = £3,282.60 BMM 772 = £11,174.12 Deposit 638 = £10,384.01 Community 677 = £916.36 Building Society = £8882.80

b) Payments paid and to be paid.

All numbers were reviewed and agreed by all the Parish Councillors.

The Finance committee noted that at the rate that the Parish Council is currently spending, we will be under budget and in a good position.

Cllr H Huntsman proposed that the Clerk’s salary is paid by Bacs by Cllr R Storer.

Cllr S Short seconded the proposal.

Action RS

17.01.00 Next meeting.

17.01.01 The next meeting will be via Zoom on Wednesday 10th February 2021 at 7.30.

Wednesday 10th March 2021 at 7.30.

Wednesday 14th April 2021 at 7.30.

There being no further matters to discuss the chairman duly closed the meeting at 20.16.