November 2021 Minutes
Welbourn Parish Council
Mr. Robert Cross Chairman
Mr. John Store
Mrs. Maureen Lunn
Mr. Jake Beaty
Mr. Kevin Dowling
Mrs. Katie Stark
Miss Harriet Huntsman
District Councillor Mrs. Lucille Hagues
Acting Parish Clerk Mrs. Maureen Lunn
Mr. Stephen Short
Mr. Chris Dixon
01. Chairman’s welcome.
The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting.
02. Acceptance of reasons for Absence.
Cllr Stephen Short had sent his apologies.
It was resolved to accept Cllr. Short’s apologies.
03. Declarations of interest.
No interests were declared.
04. Public Forum.
No members of the public were present.
05. Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on the 13th October 2021
It was resolved that the minutes of the meeting held on 13th October 2021 be approved as minutes. Proposed by Cllr. Rod Storer and seconded by Cllr. Kev Dowling.
The Chair signed the Minutes.
06. District and County Matters.
- Consultation with regard to reduction of speed limit, section of A607 at Welbourn
Lincolnshire County Council are beginning a consultations on a proposed reduction of the present speed limit on the A607 (from Colsterworth Poultry Farm to the commencement of the 30mph), down to 50 mph.
In principle the Welbourn Parish Council support a reduction in the speed limit but would like to see the reduction down to 40 mph from Colsterworth Poultry Farm to the commencement of the 30 mph past the Sir William Robertson Academy.
Response to be communicated to Lincolnshire Highways. Action: Acting Clerk
- Poultry Farm Plans
Details were not available at the meeting as this was an issue brought up in the District Councillor’s report.
07. Pontoon for ducklings
- A parishioner had requested that a pontoon for ducklings be placed in the Pond (Beck).
It was discussed with the consensus being that this did not warrant spending public funds on.
It was felt that if it were designed, financed, and built by the parishioner there would be no objection.
OR if they could provide evidence of significant interest from the Village we would look again.
08. Dog Fouling
A parishioner has raised the issue of dog fouling which has once again become apparent in and around the village.
We will source some posters for application in various points around the village and put an article in The Three Villages magazine.
Action: Acting Clerk and Cllr. Katie Starke.
09. Policies for Review
Cllr. K. Dowling reviewed both the Standing Orders and the Financial Regulations had read through both of the documents and had noted that some parts of both documents were irrelevant to our council and could be removed but also that, on reporting this to the acting clerk by email, the acting clerk replied that we were obliged, on advice from LALC that the documents were compiled by legal and council experts, to leave the model documents as they were and make no amendments.
It was agreed that the next review would be 2024.
Proposed by Cllr. K. Dowling, Seconded by Cllr. R. Storer
10. EON – Street Lighting maintenance programme
Spares for sodium lights are becoming scarce.
EON to be contacted and agree that any lights that need to be fixed will be replaced by an LED.
Cost needs confirming and if acceptable propose that we change two every year with replacement with LEDs if any fail between times.
Proposed by Cllr. R. Cross and seconded by Cllr. K. Dowling.
Action: Cllr. R. Cross
11. Finance
Invoices paid since the last meeting:
14 Oct 2021 |
BP |
EON UK plc 011871951160 |
-352.05 |
1095.62 |
14 Oct 2021 |
BP |
D R Sharpe invoice 372 |
-200.00 |
895.62 |
18 Oct 2021 |
DD |
-45.52 |
850.10 |
18 Oct 2021 |
BP |
Total Gas & Power 3005282709 2498230 |
-16.71 |
833.39 |
18 Oct 2021 |
BP |
EON Energy solutiInvoice 0107762 |
-100.80 |
732.59 |
19 Oct 2021 |
CR |
CASH IN AT 404207 |
20.00 |
752.59 |
Oct 2021 |
CR |
CHQ IN AT 404207 |
32.92 |
785.51 |
30 Oct 2021 |
BP |
A L Bull Poppy Appeal |
-50.00 |
735.51 |
04 Nov 2021 |
BP |
D R Sharpe invoice 378 |
-400.00 |
335.51 |
Agreed that the Invoice for Brian Wills should be paid.
Balances of all accounts reviewed.
AGAR = awaiting feedback from Littlejohn, external auditors, with regard to the re-submitted information they requested.
Planning Application Reference: 21/1589/HOUS
Proposal: Proposed dropped kerb.
No objections raised by Parish Councillors.
Planning Application Reference 21/1707/TCA
Proposal: T1 Lilac - reduce by 1m; T2 Magnolia - reduce by 1m; T3
Cherry - reduce by 1.5m; T4 Pear - reduce by 1m
No objections raised by Parish Councillors.
Planning Application Reference 21/1703/TCA
Proposal: T1 Leylandii - fell; T2 Rowan - fell; T3 Holly – fell
No objections raised by Parish Councillors.
13. Portfolio Holder reports
Communication Articles for The Three Villages Magazine re:
A working party I needed to tidy Castle Hill verges.
Any interest to contact the clerk.
Dog fouling.
Action: Cllr. Katie Stark
A budget for 2022/23 has been drawn up by the Finance Committee which will be discussed at the December 8th 2021 Parish Council Finance Meeting.
Need to undertake an exercise to revalue the assets
To be placed on the agenda for the Parish Council Finance Meeting on the
8th December 2021.
Castle Hill Looking for contractor who could strim the weeds and obtain a quote.
Action: All councillors
Allotments No update
Drainage No update.
Highways Complaints received by the Chair with regard to poor state of the road in The Green and Dycote Lane.
The Chair will contact Richard Fenwick for an update on road repairs in Welbourn.
Action: Cllr. Robert Cross
Speed Indicator (SPID) – We need an update with regard to this device coming to Welbourn.
Action: Acting Clerk
Beehive Well
Need to find out who is permitted to repair the Beehive Well. Mortar is cracking.
Cllr. Dowling agreed to undertake an investigation to ascertain the position with repairs to this old item of interest in the village.
Action: Cllr. Dowling
14. There being no further matters to discuss the chairman duly closed the meeting at 21.15 hrs.
Date for the next meeting
08th December 2021 –Asset Register and Budget proposals for 2022/23
12th January 2022
09th February 2022
09th March 2022
13th April 2022
11th May 2022
08th June 2022
13th July 2022
August 2022- no meeting scheduled.