September 2021 Minutes




Mr. Robert Cross (RC) Chairman
Mr. Stephen Short (SS)
Mr. John Storer (RS)
Mrs. Maureen Lunn (ML)
Mrs. Katie Stark (KS
Mr. Jake Beaty (JB)
Mr. Kevin Dowling (KD

Parish Clerk         Miss. Sarah Brown

01.09.00    Chairman’s Welcome

01.09.01    The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.

02.09.00    Public Forum.

02.09.01    One member of the public was present to simply observe the meeting.

03.09.00    Acceptance of reasons for Absence.

03.09.01    Cllr H. Huntsman and Cllr C. Dixon sent their apologies.

03.09.02    It was resolved to accept Cllr H. Huntsman’s and Cllr C. Dixon’s apologies.

04.09.00     Declarations of interest.

04.09.01    No interests to declare.

05.09.00     Notes of the Parish Council meeting held on the 29th July 2021 to be approved as minutes.

05.09.01    The notes of the previous meeting held on the 29th July 2021, copies of which had been circulated previously to members, were accepted as Minutes.

05.09.02    Proposed by Cllr. Stephen Short and seconded by Cllr. Rod Storer.

The chairman duly signed the minutes.  

06.09.00    Matters arising.

06.09.01    No matters raised.

07.09.00    District and County Matters.

07.09.01    District Cllr. L. Hagues sent her apologies for not being able to attend the meeting.

08.09.00    Parish Council Website maintenance.

08.09.01    Cllr M. Lunn is attending training for the new website, but in the meantime the Parish Council agree that they pay £126 annually for the Premium level of Service through the LALC.  This service ensures the website is updated within 48hrs, wherever possible, of  receiving a request to upload a document or amend the website content.

Proposed by Cllr. R. Storer and seconded by Cllr. J. Beaty the motion was carried forward.

Action clerk.

09.09.00    Car parking variance between Welbourn Neighbourhood Plan and the Local Plan.

09.09.01    The Local plan and Welbourn Neighbourhood plan have a variance regarding the number of parking spaces.

09.09.02    The Parish Council agree we should update our Neighbourhood Plan to match the Local Plan and we should also add charging points to match.

10.09.    Public Interest Report- cost involved.

10.09.01    A parishioner has asked how much it cost due to errors made issuing the AGAR forms?

10.09.02    The total audit charge including the penalty was £576 which came out of the Parish Council reserves.

11.09.00    Future Financial Audit arrangements.

11.09.01    The LALC are offering to help match up independent auditors to Parish Councils who are registered with themselves (LALC) who are trained and certified.  They will check the accounts at the start of the year and complete a half year mini audit which will lead up to the AGAR submission.  The Parish Council have enquired about this service with the LALC, and they will contact us with more details soon.  A price has already been quoted of £160.

11.09.02    Cllr S. Short proposed we officially contact LALC confirming an interest in this service, seconded by Cllr K. Stark.  The motion is carried forward.

12.09.00    Finances

12.09.01    Cllr R. Cross proposed we donated £100 to the Navenby Gala Festival as was requested, due to the number of parishioners and the Primary School taking part. 

Seconded by Cllr K. Dowling.  The motion is carried forward.

13.09.00    Portfolio Holders reports.

13.09.01    Drainage:    Drain in the culvert is still blocked outside 3 Hall Lane.  The drains in the Nookin do not cope with heavy rain.

13.09.02    Highways:    The road between The Green and Dycote Lane is in a really poor state of repair and has badly deteriorated since Highways agreed to schedule resurfacing.

13.09.03    Planning:    The enforcement notice of planning refusal came into effect in August, so an update is needed from NKDC as to what is happening.

13.09.04    Personnel Committee: - The Clerk has resigned; she has been asked to confirm in writing in a letter to the Chairman and to complete a handover.  Cllr M. Lunn has agreed to take the role of acting clerk and advertise the position for a new clerk.   The finance committee will ensure that all invoices are paid.

13.09.05    Communications, allotments, and Castle Hill:    No updates to report

14.09.00    Clerk’s Report

14.09.01    Another key has been cut for the barrier for the playing field and has been passed onto the grass cutter contractor, so that he can access the field with his new larger mower.

15.09.00    The Parish Councillors thanked Sarah for her work and commitment over the last 3 years.

There being no further matters to discuss the chairman duly closed the meeting at 20.39.

16.07.00   Date for the next meeting and meeting schedule for the coming year:

Wednesday 13th October 2021 at 7.30
Wednesday 10th November 2021 at 7.30
December 2021 – No meeting scheduled.