May 2021 Minutes Annual Parish Council Meetings
Mr. Robert Cross (RC) Chairman
Mr. Stephen Short (SS)
Miss. Harriet Huntsman (HS)
Mrs. Katie Stark (KS)
Mr. Chris Dixon (CD)
Mr. Jake Beaty (JB)
Mr. Kevin Dowling (KD)
Apologies received from Mrs. Maureen Lunn
Parish Clerk Ms. Sarah Brown
01 Chairman’s Welcome
The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting and resigned as chairman.
02 Election of Chairman
a. Cllr Robert Cross was proposed to stand as Chairman by Cllr Katie Stark and seconded by Cllr Stephen Short. The action was carried forward.
b. Cllr Stephen Short was proposed to stand as Vice Chairman by Cllr Robert Cross and seconded by Cllr Jake Beaty. The action was carried forward.
03 To allocate portfolios to each Parish Councillior.
a. Cllr Robert Cross portfolio is Byways/Highways, the Forge and Cliff Cluster group representative.
b. Cllr Rod Storer has Drainage and is a member of the finance committee.
c. Cllr Stephen Short has planning, is Village Hall representative and on the HR committee.
d. Cllr Maureen Lunn has policies, HR committee and website administrator.
e. Cllr Katie Stark has communications, HR committee and relief Cliff Cluster representative.
f. Cllr Jake Beaty has Allotments and Cliff Cluster representative.
g. Cllr Kevin Dowling has CastleHill.
h. Cllr Harriet Huntsman is a member of the finance committee.
i. Cllr Chris Dixon is a Village Hall representative.
04 Acceptance of Reasons for Absence
Cllr M Lunn sent her apologise for absence, which was accepted.
05 Public Forum
Three members of the public were present for item 8 see minutes 08.05.00 to . No other issues were raised in the public forum.
06 Interests to declare
No interests to declare.
07 Notes of the Parish Council meeting held on the 14th April 2021 to be approved as minutes.
a. The notes of the previous meeting held on the 14thApril 2021, copies of which had been circulated previously to members, were accepted as Minutes.
b. Proposed by Cllr. Stephen Short and Seconded by Cllr. Kevin Dowling.
c. The chairman will sign the minutes. Action RC
08 To discuss & consider approval for the planting of trees in three areas of the playing fields, by Plant for the planet group.
a. Prior to the meeting a brief proposal listing four areas to be planted was circulated to the Parish Councillors.
b. Three of the Plant for the planet group were present and explained the ideas for planting in the four proposed areas and gave much more detail regarding spacing of planting, the number of trees to be used in total, the tree varieties and how the project was to be funded.
c. Area 1. Behind the Archdeacon’s house- shaded picnic area provided by spaced tall trees. The Parish Council would have to consult with the Village Hall Committee regarding this area as this area was pinpointed as suitable for use as a carpark extension and they do not want to encroach on the caravaner’s area as they bring in a considerable amount of income for the Village Hall. The Parish Council felt the area would only be suitable for 2 or 3 trees to be planted due to the reasons above and because of the size of the Cooper Beach which overhangs from the Archdeacon’s Garden. The area to both the left towards the carpark and to the right of this, towards the tennis courts near the fence where the ground is slightly higher is suitable for the proposed wild plug plants and would be a welcomed addition.
d. Area 2. Beside Moat Lane to the A607. The Parish Council would not want any trees planting too close to the tennis court. Planting in some of the gaps of hedging would be okay and rounding off the top corner of the field Moat Lane/A607 with another 2 or three trees as clear access for cutting the hedge is needed and the grass to the rear of the football goal is useful for other sports. The Parish Council suggested that they felt a more suitable space would be the area between the hedge that runs parallel with the football field and the fence that is the alongside the A607.
e. Area 3. Existing wooded area SE corner- natural play area with diverse habitat gradient. The Parish Council was happy for this area to be densely planted and suggested that the planting could sweep round as it would help screen the football club’s storage container which will be sited behind the mound with the doors facing the football goal.
f. The Parish Council also suggested a hedge could be planted from the SE corner along the south side of the mound and down the side of the play area, which would help screen the playing field from wind and increase the habitat for wild birds and insects. Trees could also be dotted along that side level with the litter bin.
g. The Parish Council agreed that they were happy for the Plant for the planet to use the Welbourn Parish Council name on the grant/tree application. The Clerk was asked to continue to liaise with the Plant for the Planet group and assist when needed. Action Clerk
09 Date for the next meeting & meeting schedule for the coming year.
At present believed to be in the Village Hall Meeting room on:
Wednesday 23rd June 2021,
Wednesday 14th July 2021,7.30 .pm
August – No meeting planned.
Wednesday 08thSep. 2021, 7.30pm
Wednesday 13th Oct. 2021 7.30 pm
The above dates are provisional, depending on advice from the LALC, legislation for meetings and Covid-19 Restrictions at the time on meetings in person.
There being no further matters to discuss the chairman duly closed the meeting at 20.30.