July 2021 MInutes




Mr. Robert Cross (RC) Chairman
Mr. Stephen Short (SS)
Mr. John Storer (RS)
Mrs. Maureen Lunn (ML)
Mrs. Katie Stark (KS)
Mr. Jake Beaty (JB)
Mr. Kevin Dowling (KD)

County Councillor        Mrs Marianne Overton

Parish Clerk       Miss. Sarah Brown

01.07.00    Chairman’s Welcome

01.07.01    The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.

02.07.00    Public Forum.

02.07.01   No members of the public were present in person.

02.07.02   A parishioner had asked if the R.F.O and the finance Committee would demonstrate its compliance with its own financial regulations.

02.07.03   Accounts are reviewed at every meeting which is minuted.  However, it was decided that all councillors will review the Financial Regulations and Standing Orders to ensure compliance, and feedback if there are any areas for review.

Action All Councillors

03.07.00    Acceptance of reasons for Absence.

03.07.01     Cllr H. Huntsman and Cllr C. Dixon sent their apologies.

03.07.02     It was resolved to accept Cllr H. Huntsman’s and Cllr C.Dixon’s apologies.

04.07.00    Declarations of interest.

04.07.01    No interests to declare.

05.07.00    Notes of the Parish Council meeting held on the 23rd June 2021 to be approved as minutes.

05.07.01    The notes of the previous meeting held on the 23rd June 2021, copies of which had been circulated previously to members, were accepted as Minutes.

05.07.02    Proposed by Cllr. Stephen Short and seconded by Cllr. Kevin Dowling.

The chairman duly signed the minutes.  

06.07.00    Public Interest Report: Failure to submit an Annual Governance & Accountability Return (AGAR) for the year ending 31st March 2020.

06.07.01    Dealt with in Public Meeting, see minutes, matter concluded.

07.07.00   Allotment Agreements.

07.07.01   The Parish Council have reviewed the agreement, which states poultry including cockerels can be kept.

08.07.00   To confirm the Parish Council’s comments on the Welbourn Conservation Area Appraisal.

08.07.01   The Parish Council agreed to submit their original comment.

Action clerk.

09.07.00   What comments or questions does the Parish Council want to make for The Draft Local Plan Consultation?

09.07.01   The plan should say 24 houses for Welbourn already.

09.07.02   We are concerned that the stipulations for development are complicated.

09.07.03   We feel that 1,325 houses every year is too high.  It should be as low as possible to keep the 5 year land supply valid. 

09.07.04   The objective should be to build for communities and match local need, rather than build for delivery of economic growth.

09.07.05   We are concerned about the length of time that builders are allowed to sit on plots of land.  We would like to see a completion deadline set to stop only the foundations being put in to keep planning permission open indefinitely.

09.07.06   In Policy S2, locations should be where they are most needed by local people rather than locations best suited and most attractive to the market.

09.07.07   Policy S21, we should be building houses that are affordable and targeted to local need, to enable younger villagers to buy a property.  The policy doesn’t connect to need and figures for affordable housing are too low.

09.07.08   Anything adjacent to the village should be exception sites and affordable housing.

09.07.09   Growth should be capped or a stated maximum as it seems weak to say we would rely on the character of the village not being judged “as spoilt”.  There should be a set maximum.

09.07.10   The drainage system would not cope with a high development in Welbourn, as foul drainage is at capacity.

09.07.11   Turbines S13, we are concerned that 40m turbines are extremely large and could be supported anywhere.  We would support solar panel fields instead or solar panels on roofs instead.

We would support a good policy on building materials.  S10 supporting low carbon emissions.

09.07.12   No isolated dwellings (but with exceptions).

09.07.13   Protect Heritage, Protect Conservation areas “Aim to protect” is not strong enough, it should protect.  Open spaces should also be protected.

09.07.14 Maintenance conditions should be made longer than 5 years.

10.07.00   Date for the next meeting and meeting schedule for the coming year:

(To be confirmed)

Wednesday 8th September 2021 at 7.30
Wednesday 13th October 2021 at 7.30
Wednesday 10th November 2021 at 7.30

There being no further matters to discuss the chairman duly closed the meeting at 20.20.